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To all you kids, did you know that people used to talk to each other?

Did you know that once upon a time there was no Internet… and did you know that once upon a time there was no Cell phones, Laptops Tablets, or even Computers?

Once upon a time Man had no electricity.
People seem to have forgotten how to communicate.

When you go to public gatherings people stand around on their phones.

On vacation people look at life through a camera lens.

That’s all people do now a days. They look at life through a camera lens.

And while your too busy looking through a camera lens your missing the feeling that you can’t get from a picture or video.

People think they own their phones, but they don’t. Their phones own them.

You can’t put it down.

People are so busy looking at Facebook profiles and Instagram followers, that they forget that faces actually move, that in real life you have friends not followers.

This whole world is drowning and it doesn’t even know it.

We are all sinking through the new ocean called the Internet.

And as we shoot Co2 into our atmosphere As our other oceans on our real earth, are slowly devouring our entire world,

and glaciers melt,

the Inter-net is killing our inner selves.
It’s a force meant to capture our souls and contains us like sheep.

A man showed his daughter his Nokia flip phone and she said seriously:
“ Is that from when people hunted Dinosaurs and watched black and white TV?”
Some of you might think that’s funny, but I call that sad.


Because the children of today haven’t had a chance to live the lives we did and are being deprived, while the adults sit around, because they’ve forgotten what it was like, because their so busy checking Snap Chat streaks and Twitter Tweets.

Do you remember those days when children when to sleep with their teddy bears in their arms?

Now children go to sleep with their tablets, their Ipads, their phones.

That’s sad.

We are drowning and we don’t even know it.
Our heads are slowly going under. We can’t breathe because we’ve got Google, Safari, Yahoo, and Bing choking us. We are stuck in the Web and the Internet spider has poisoned us corrupting our souls and turning us into slaves.

Have you ever noticed that webs and nets are meant for catching and containing lives?
So what is so different with our Web and Inter-NET?

In 100 years people won’t remember what it was like to talk to each other out loud, to look each other straight in the eyes and say “I Love You”.

We will be walking robots, having no feelings, no love, just The Web.

Do you want that?

Do you want your grandchildren living life like a flat never ending highway?

Your great grandchildren not even living on this planet?

Do you want the fate of the human race to be nothing but a sinking ship?

S.S Homo Sapiens! We are lost!…

But we are not lost yet. But we are sending out an S.O.S.

95% percent of the world has been brainwashed by their devices.

We need help.

We are drowning in the never ending sea of robots and social media.

We are dying of Internet Asphyxiation.

When all is lost how many people will be sitting in life boats, and how many will be under the water Lifeless?

How many?

And when all we have left is 5% of the population, what are we going to do?

Oppose the other 665,000,000 people who will hate us? Scorn us?


So we have to fix the problem before it explodes.

I’m in favor of the saying "If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”

but it is breaking at a horrifying rate.

And if we don’t fix it now we won’t be able to fix it.

So when you hear that familiar bing when you get a notification?

Ignore it.

When you get the urge to check your Facebook account to see if your friend PM’d you?

Don’t give in.

You are more than that.

You are not a servant to your device, it is your tool.

Do not fall victim to that screen that is so inviting.

Hold back.

Talk to people, laugh, love, share.


Plagiarism is a Crime punishable by law.


Spoken Poetry 101Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon