Iron adventures 2.0.2

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The iron avengers have met a new friend from another dimension. And she offers to help them in combat, how will she do.

The con continued to wreak havoc as he walked forward. "Ha ha ha, this should get the avengers' attention immediately!" The iron avengers and Allie were coming up on his location. "Well, if you wanted our attention, you've got it!" The con turned to face them. On the warship, megatron was growing beyond furious. "First 2 then 10, and now 11?! Is there no one who can stop them!?" Megatron's fury was running full blast, at an impossibly high rate. Back on naboo. "Minicons, attack!" The robots charged. "Ironizers, ready!" "Ready." The team readied their ironizers. "Avengers assemble!" The iron avengers suited up, and readied their weapons. The minicons started punching and kicking and slashing, but the iron avengers dodged and delivered powerful blows of their own. A few minicons were stupid enough to go after Allie, they fired blasters mounted on their wrists, Allie dodged each shot with grace and charged up her wand. "Rainbow super narwhal blast!" She aimed right at the cons and open fired, huge narwhals came out of her wand and flattened the cons, more came her way, they got past the continued narwhal blasting and closed in for close combat. They tried to land a blow, but Allie was just as good at close ranged combat as she was at long ranged. On the warship, megatron's fury was going at an indescribable rate, higher then ever. "Fire the magma beam!!!!!" Back on naboo, the beam came down and enlarged the lead con. "Ha ha ha, now let's see whose stronger!" Allie ran back over the the others, she saw the giant robot and instantly got excited, Jeremy and his friends threw their weapons into zord mode. "Allie, this has just gone beyond your power, we can take care of this." "Ok, but just holler if you need a giant narwhal blast." "We will." They got into their zords. "Zords combine." They combined into the mega ultra iron megazord formation. The con fired his weapon, the megazord dodged it and fired its own weapon, a direct hit. The con charged and turned to close combat, but he was no match for the iron megazord. While the con fell back. "Grrrr, I will infiltrate your brains and destroy you from the inside out." Unfortunately, Shrinker forgot to turn off his com, which almost broke as megatron screamed into it. "Shrinker you stupid idiot! You just cost us our tactical advantage AND our element of surprise!" Indeed, that was stupid. "Well well well, looks like you've just blown your mission." The iron avengers readied their mega blaster. "Super iron final blast!" They fired on the con, instantly destroying him. On the warship, megatron just kept getting more and more furious. So furious, that he actually took a swing at the nearest minicon, instantly blowing it's head off. "Those iron pests are becoming more and more irritating!" "Shrinker did get what he deserved for being stupid." "He could've redeemed himself by destroying them all." "True." Megatron continued his tantrum and cursed so hard that the words he said can't be written in this story.

On naboo, Allie rejoined the others as they exited their zords. "Wow, that was awesome, where did you get those weapons?" "From the heroes that came before us, though they never were able to use a megazord like us." "Piloting one of those things would be awesome!" "In order to pilot one, you have to be an iron avenger, but if you want, we could run a few tests to see if you can handle the suit, and if you pass, I'll make you an ironizer with you armor and, I'll make you a zord." "Where's the testing chamber?" "Follow me." Jeremy and the others went home.

The iron avengers have a potential new recruit, will she pass the trials? Stay tuned as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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