Iron adventures 2.0.4

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Iron witch has joined the battle. After passing the trials, Allie butterfly has suited up into iron witch. Jeremy now lets her battle the monsters by herself.

    "Attaaaaaaaack!" The monsters charged, allie's weaponator turned into a sword, and as the monsters closed in, she charged at them. She slashed, she swung, and never missed a target. Jeremy and the others watched. "Wow, she's amazing. "Yeah, and that armor is really working for her." "Hello iron idiots." They turned and saw a decepticon. "And just who are you?" "I am starscream, lord megatron has had enough of you and scrapper here will tear you apart." "Rather then do it yourself?" "I am more important then scrap- wait a minute, I don't have to tell you anything, minicons attack!" Minicons charged. "Ironizers ready." "Ready." "Avengers assemble!" They suited up and started to charge. At one point, about half the cons started for Allie, who was still fighting the monsters. Jeremy intercepted the cons and pushed them away. "It's not going to be that easy bucketheads!" The cons kept going down. The last went down, and they turned their attention to scrapper and starscream. Starscream transformed and rocketed out of there. Leaving scrapper all alone. "Coward!" Scrapper yelled to starscream. "Looks like your pal bailed." "Leaving you to us." "I don't need anyone to tear you apart!" Scrapper charged, the iron avengers readied themselves. Scrapper slashed, he punched, he kicked, he tried every move he had, but ten against one is never going to turn out to well for that one person. The iron avengers open fired, blowing scrapper into a million pieces.

    From space. "Fire the magma beam on scrapper and one of those monsters!" From naboo, the beam came down. "Here comes round two." The beam enlarged and revived scrapper." "Ha ha ha, now you're all going to the scrapheap!" "Ha ha ha, indeed, and with this kind of magical energy, we're on a whole new level" the team turned and saw an enlarged monster too. Allie rejoined the team. "Jeremy, you might want to get your zords." "Jarvis, is the T-Rex zord ready?" "Just request it sir." "Perfect." Jeremy turned to Allie. "Your zord is ready, summon it and join the fight." The team threw their weapons into zord mode. The quick and wand zords joined in. "Alright, let's see what my new zord can do, Summon T-Rex zord!" In the zord hanger, sound filled the space as the lights of the new zord came on. It's eyes opened up, it let out a terrifying roar, and in a run, it raced to join the others. "Whoa, she looks awesome, alright rexella, let's see how powerful you are." Allie jumped in. On the warship. "Aaaaarrrrggggghhhhhh. They just continue to be a nuisance! Will someone please stop them!" On naboo. Allie's screen was showing something. "Jeremy, did you design my zord to transform into its own megazord?" "Yep, just press the flashing red button on the communication console, and start the process." "Alright." She pressed the button. "Alright rexella, transform into the T-Rex megazord!" The zord gained height in it's legs, it's arms retracted, it's tail split and separated from each half, and from the midsection. The two halves attached to the sides of the zord. The T-Rex head retracted and a smaller head appeared, finishing the transformation. "T-Rex megazord, ready!" They charged at the monster, while the iron megazord charged at scrapper.

The iron avengers keep growing stronger, evil had better watch out for for the supercharged iron avengers as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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