Iron adventures 2.0.9

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In several temples, there lay 11 legendary vehicles, each crafted by the first Jedi master, each adapted for one person, and the time has come for them to awaken.

A few days ago
    "The iron avengers are living in the theed palace on naboo, you get this disc to them as fast as you can." A thin rectangular object was placed into a droid. "Of course general, I shall do my best."

    Jeremy heard a clank in the hanger and looked around, at the hanger doors, he saw a cable running down to the bottom of the cliff directly underneath the hanger. He moved in to get a closer look, and saw a droid coming up fast, he backed away as the droid shot up, detached from the cable, and landed at the edge of the floor. Jeremy examined it with interest. "Uh, who are you and, where did you come from?" "I am D-4TF, and I have to get most important information to the iron avengers as quick as poss-" The droid paused as his expression turned into surprise. "Your iron America, oh thank the maker I found you." "Alright calm down, what did you need to bring us?" A tray opened up and on it was a disc. "The data on this disc will explain everything-" the droid looked around. "I did not interrupt anything did I? I would hate to have dragged you from something." "It's fine, I was just doing maintenance on some vehicles, now, let's see what your carrying." Jeremy took the disc and put it into an open slot in the computer. On the screen, a map, along with several other symbols and words came up. Jarvis examined them too. "Sir, a few things, A, should I just complete maintenance on my own?" "Yes, and what's the other thing?" "This data recovered from the droid appears to be a map that  leads to several temples." "Do you have an idea of what the symbols mean?" "They speak of vehicles sir." "Yes, sir, this is a map that leads to the locations of 11 legendary iron vehicles, it is said that the first Jedi master crafted these and that these vehicles will only operate for those who they have been designed for. And given the past connections between you and the force, it is reasonable to believe that their chosen pilots are you and your team."

    On the warship, megatron was watching a screen. "Ha ha ha, this is the best idea ever, we plant a spy fly in their hanger, and they are non the wiser, and it's small enough that it gets passed their A.I. We are getting prime material, and, we now have a way to beat them, by getting those vehicles first." "As usual lord megatron, you are the greatest military leader ever."

    Back on naboo. "Whoa, there are really legendary vehicles scattered across this galaxy?" The rest of the team had joined them in the hanger. "Yes, though we are not sure how to unlock the doors, the first temple is actually the Jedi temple, so there's a certain door that needs a special key, in fact, all the temples need special keys." Suddenly, they all heard a slight humming. They turned and saw their medals glowing. They started to change form, into keys. Then they let out a burst of energy that shattered their glass cases. "Well, I think we found the keys." The keys shot up and launched over to their respective owners. Jeremy immediately turned to Allie. "Your vehicle must be paired with someone else's." "Explains why I didn't get a key."

The iron avengers are now on a hunt for ancient vehicles. Will they succeed? Stay tuned.

To be continued.

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