Iron adventures 2.0.5

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The iron avengers have a new teammate, and with it comes a new zord, a T-Rex zord capable of transforming into its own megazord. And that's just the beginning.

"Super iron final blast!" "Rainbow super mega nuclear blast!" The megazord fired their most powerful weapon at the monster and scrapper, both direct hits. They both went down in balls of fury. On the warship, megatron was cursing harshly. "Those iron pests just don't stop!" The team disembarked as the wand, quick and T-Rex zords went back to their hanger. "Allie, I am just going to come out and say it, you are a natural!" "Thanks, and that T-Rex zord is both cute, and powerful at the same time." "I figured a T-Rex would be the perfect partner for your fighting skills." "It's my dream partner, thank you." "No problem." Tommy stepped in. "So the iron megazord uses the zord weapons, and the T-Rex zord can transform into its own megazord, so shouldn't the quick and wand zords be able to form their own megazord?" That was a good question. "You'll just have to wait and see." "Fine." They headed home.

The next day, Jeremy was in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone. 🎵Yeah, I'm making Pancakes yeah, I'm making pancakes for everyone.🎵 Jeremy sang that tune multiple times in a catchy manner. He flipped pancakes onto plates and and carried them to the tables. He was placing them onto the table when he heard a scream that came from the hanger. "That sounded like Casey." He ran as fast as he could and joined the others as they entered and here's what they found, Casey, standing at the computer, looking totally fine, and nothing out of the ordinary in the hanger. "Everything ok Casey?" "Yep, especially since I found this." She grabbed Jeremy's arm and practically dragged him to the console, she positioned his head so he was looking at the screen. Jeremy read and gasped. "Galactic university applications? Now the scream makes sense, since most of us know how much learning means to you." "Yep, I figured it would find us a better understanding of this galaxy." "And it could give us a chance to learn the alphabet so we don't have to use the translator." "So let's fill out applications and go back to school." They all grabbed an application form, filled it out, them sent them to galactic university. The next day, they were accepted. They had to start going the next day. The next morning, they landed their ship in the galactic university parking lot. They disembarked and were instantly amazed at how green it was. "Wow, I guess there's one place on coruscant where plant life flourishes." "Indeed."

Suddenly, a dart zipped past them and hit the iron cruiser, Jeremy plucked it off and examined it. He turned to where the dart came from and saw what looked like a battle. "What kind of principle of a school lets his students shoot each other with tranquilizer darts!" "Unfortunately me." They turned and saw a man in a suit. "Are you the principle?" "Yep." "Then can you please tell us what the heck is going on here?"

"When this school started, there was peace, until the jocks and the smarties were formed, they fought over control for years, with no end in sight." "Have you tried oh I don't know banning their tranquilizer guns?" "We tried, but they just keep coming back, now, why don't you run along to your first class."

5 seconds in galactic university and our heroes already have a problem on their hands, will they resolve it? Stay tuned as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

Iron Adventures season 2Where stories live. Discover now