Iron adventures 2.0.12

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Having spent their spring break vehicle hunting, our heroes head back to school in the new and improved iron cruiser 2.0.

    "Good morning everyone, before we get started, we have a new student joining us, please tell us a little about yourself." A new kid got up. "Hi I'm farkle I'm a genius And way smarter then any of you." He talked so fast it was next to impossible to keep up. "Ok, now one more thing, we have an assembly to go to after class today so everyone needs to report to the courtyard immediately after class, any questions?" "What's the assembly about?" "To kick off the bucketball season." "Bucketball?" "That's right, you aren't from this galaxy, it's exactly like your basketball, except for the name." "Ok, sounds interesting." "Oh I could go on for ages about it." And she was off, talking about the history of bucket ball. After an hour the bell rang. "Ok, let's head to the assembly."

    A half hour later, the assembly was about to start and Casey Allie and destiny slipped off somewhere. Jeremy and the guys were getting worried. "I wonder where the girls went." "Maybe the bathroom?" "I'm not so sure." " they'll turn up eventually." "Your right." The crowd went silent, the principle went up to the mic and cleared his throat. "Now, students, I want you to think very hard about this very important question that I'm about to ask you, ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE!?!?!?!?!?!?." The jocks went crazy, the smarties, not so much. "Let's here it for coach Rooney, who will kick off the bucketball season." A beefy man got up onto the mic. "Welcome to day one of bucketball season, to kick it off we have three new members of the girls bucketball team, may I present, THE FIGHTING WHOMP RATS!!!!!!!" "The whomp rats? You learn something new everyday." The curtain dropped, revealing the girls team. Jeremy and his friends did a double take. "Well, least we know where the girls went." "They went to join the bucketball team, our chances of being pulled out of neutrality in the war has increased, dramatically." "That's not to say we won't still be supportive." "Yeah, totally."

    Later, the three girlsketeers joined the guys at the café. "Well, look who it is, the newest members of the fighting whomp rats." A round of applause went around. "Thanks, don't worry guys, we told them that we would remain neutral in the war." "Well that's good to know, but we should probably resolve this conflict before we are pulled into it." "Agreed, you thinking what I'm thinking?" "To the library!" They went straight to the library, where farkle was reading. "Well well well, the ladies have arrived, whatcha doing?" "Research." "Feisty ones aren't you, l dig that." Yep, farkle was flirting with three girls at once. The team split up to different sections of the library, an hour into it, farkle joined in after receiving the background. A few hours later, they found the best thing they needed. "Let's see here." Jeremy read from an ancient book. "The founder began chipping freshman to make them hate each other and go to an all out war. He did this to make the school seem more interesting." "Wow, that's just lame." "There's more, since then, this, war theory as we call it, has passed down from principle to principle. This act was also deemed highly illegal and punishable by banishment by the republic 10 years ago." "Then we need to bring mr. Teddy to justice." "The only way to do that is to catch him in the act." Suddenly, a hatch opened up and everyone fell in, except for Jeremy Casey Allie and destiny. "Well, now we can bust him."

The iron avengers have uncovered a plot, but need to act fast before they are chipped find out more, as the adventure continues

To be continued.

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