Iron adventures 2.0.7

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A gungan comes in and says he's running for chancellor, what do you do? You run his campaign of course.

    Ms. Tano, jar jar, and the iron avengers were in the cafe adjacent to the university, discussing what the heck the nomination was about. "So a guy in fancy clothes comes up to mesa, he whispered "JAR JAR, YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN DEFEAT VULRUM IN THE PRIMARY." He practically yelled it. "Jar jar, that is not a whisper." "Mesa not knowing what a primary is." Pete answered. "The primary is what candidate goes to the general election to se who goes to the office." Jar jar looked at Pete. "Yousa some kind of droid?" "I'm a real boy." "Birth paper." "Back on earth." "Fine." Ms. Tano spoke up. "Jar jar, vulrum is a 10 term chancellor, you don't even have enough money to run against him." "Vulrum doing bad thingies. People who are doing bad thingies don't deserve to be in power, Mesa want to beat him." Ms. Tano turned to her class. "I seriously don't know how he does it but please tell me you guys are not on his side." "Not, jar jar, you don't even have a campaign team whose your team?" "That's why Mesa here. Mesa wanting the iron avengers to run mycampaign." "Please tell me your not on his side now?" "Not, yet. Jar jar, do you really think this is a good idea?" "It's a great idea." They all turned to see a man sitting on a stool with a tablet on. "The chancellor took money from schools and gave it to his rich friends." "Why would he be doing that who are you?" "Because his rich friends are the ones that got him elected. I'm P.J, P.J Douglas. I have a site, called pain in your but? I'm the pain." "So, he sacrificed our education for his personal interests?" "Beat the bad man jar jar." "So, letting students run jar jar's campaign-" "-Would show that jar jar would rather build schools. " "Showing that jar jar cares about our future just as much, if not more then his." "What's your game guy with the ideas?" "I believe in you, I'd like to help." "Yousa have to get passed my team." Jar jar ran out the door, through the glass he said. "What is he saying!" The team looked at one another. "Clearly we're going to need all the help we can get." "Agreed." Jar jar entered. "Welcome aboard P.J."

      Later that night, the iron avengers were discussing recent developments over dinner. "A gungan running for chancellor, this galaxy has a crazy future ahead if jar jar wins." "Why's that?" "Because he isn't exactly the brightest bulb on the tree, his species is a bit primitive and jar jar can't seem to keep himself out of trouble, his heart is in the right place, but the rest of him isn't." "Oh, well, maybe he's smarter then you think." "Your right, who knows, maybe he straightened out."

    The next day, the iron avengers got passed the daily battle and got to galactic history. "As we're about to see, we've had our share of election surprises, but the galaxy loves an underdog." The janitor brought a Holotv into the room. "Hey Tano, can I stick around for this class?" "Of course Greedo, you interested in politics?" "I'm interested in seeing why school budgets are being cut, why they take away art and music." "Oh, your into music?" "Without music I'd do something." "I know Greedo, I know you would." Jar jar burst through the door, again. "Jar jar, for the last time knock before you enter." "Sorry. But we don't have to be afraid, we just have to remember the wise words of Stephanie Einstein. Fear, is just another reason to try harder."

The iron avengers continue to help get jar jar elected, let's hope that jar jar will come through if he wins. Stay tuned.

To be continued.

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