Iron adventures 2.0.15

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The iron avengers have found out about a whole new side of farkle that they never suspected, and then.

    The team along with farkle were at the cafe, discussing farkle's sudden move against the decepticons. "I come from the planet Andrasia, in the Milky Way galaxy, it was much like your earth, it was filled with plants and animals, and rich with precious metals and minerals." "Whoa, sounds like a great planet." "It was, until the decepticons attacked, it was relentless, I was taken prisoner aboard megatron's warship, and there I remained until a week ago, when I was finally able to escape." "That's awful." "It was, all I can think about now is avenging my people, and destroying megatron." "Sorry dude, if you were looking to destroy megatron personally, then we beat you to it." "Oh, then, who's leading the cons?" "Starscream, megatron's second in command." "He's even more unpredictable then megatron." "You got that right, so how did you acquire the means to stop the cons?" "I pondered for many days, I had to step up and stand against the cons somehow, and when I met you guys, I had the opportunity I was looking for." "Well, you sure startled us when you rushed in, how did you obtain the plans for your armored suit?" "If you want the truth, I hacked into your system, borrowed the specs, and created a suit that would finally enable me to avenge my world. I was going to be known as iron vision, with the power of the mind." "Good choice." "Thank you." Jarvis spoke up. " "sir I could not stop him, he was too good a hacker." "Don't sweat it Jarvis, I'll just give you a defense upgrade against hackers." "Thank you sir." "So, farkle, do you need a place to stay?" "That would be nice, sleeping in my locker is a little irritating." "Then, do you want to come stay at our place?" "Sure, thank you." "No problem."

    On the warship, starscream was rising to a megatron level of anger. "Argh, they just keep gaining numbers left and right, it's just, not, fair!" "My lord, why don't we really test just how strong they are by forcing them to fight on two fronts." "What do you mean?" "I'm saying we enlarge a few minicons, and send in send in normal sized ones at the same time." "Brilliant, they'll have to split up, we could crush them." Starscream order the plan to be executed right away.

    On naboo, Jeremy had just finished farkle's ironizer when the alarm whaled on. "What's happening Jarvis?" The team, including farkle, poured into the hanger. "Minicons attacking the industrial district of coruscant, both giant and normal sized." "Getting us to fight on two fronts, those bucketheads are getting smarter, though not smart enough." "Sir, I recommend immediate deployment of the tricerazord." "We never made a tricerazord." "I did in my spare time."Jeremy grabbed the ironizer and tossed it to farkle. "Farkle, you're going to need this." Farkle caught it and slapped it on. "Thanks Jeremy." "To activate it, say, avengers assemble." "Got it."

The team keeps growing, with farkle as their newest member, the fight against the decepticons gets tougher, stay tuned for more, as the adventure continues.

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