Iron adventures 2.0.13

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The team has uncovered a terrible plot that has been going unchecked for hundreds of years, now they race to put an end to it, before most of their team is chipped.

    Jeremy was getting in touch with padmé while Casey and destiny and Allie were searching the map of the university to try to narrow their search into where their friends might have fallen to. "Ok, see you soon padmé." Jeremy hung up and joined the girls. "This map doesn't show any kind of secret place." "Remember, the lab could be hidden in plain sight." "Right, though I have another way to figure it out." "The blueprints for when they built this place, of course!" "Jarvis?" "Already on it sir." Jarvis began hacking into the school system to find those plans. A few minutes later, Jarvis had come up with absolutely nothing. "I looked in every file, every folder and nothing about those plans." "Well at least you tried buddy, thank you." "No problem sir." "Well, on to plan C, tracking." "We could track the ironizers?" "Yep, didn't come up until now." Jeremy tapped a button on his ironizer, it projected a map with dots to represent where a team member was, to tell the dots apart, a pic was connected to each dot. All eleven dots were on the map. "This makes no sense, according to the tracking system, they're in the gym." The map zoomed in on the gym. "Wait, maybe they're under the gym." The image went to a side view, confirming destiny's underground suspicion. "There they are, let's go." What was left of the team headed for the gym.

    Under the gym, the chipping lab had just received its final victims for the year. Mr teddy walked in. "Hello avengers, and welcome to my think tank!" "You just messed with the wrong team teddy." "Ooh, I'm so scared, I'm sure your friends will come save you at the last minute-" Suddenly, a golden line came through the ceiling, it cut a circle and that part fell to the ground, the smoke cleared to see Jeremy Casey destiny and Allie. "WHAT?!, are you kidding me how did you get here so fast?" "You never thought about tracking devices did you." "Well, your not the only one who's full of surprises." Mr teddy reached up and pulled of a costume, revealing a decepticon. "You iron avengers are impressive, but now that you know, I'm not holding back." He charged at them, the team weapons generated and they charged back, both sides slashed, kicked, punched, and swung, but, as cunning a warrior as the con would be, he'd be no match for 11 avengers. They forced him into a wall. They had him cornered. "He he he, I suppose you expect me to surrender." "And tell us what you used to set a fail safe on those chips." "You'll never get that out of me, so go on, blast me, you'll never deactivate this chips." Jeremy cut off his head.

    On the court yard, the gang, including farkle, watched the battle unfold, while trying to figure out how to disrupt the chips. "We can't extract them yet because they might explode, we need to deactivate them while they're in their skin, but how is the real question." Casey noticed something in the distance. "Jeremy look!" She pointed at the stage, Jeremy smiled. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Casey started playing air guitar. "Rock and roll baby!" They all ran to the stage. "Farkle, sound!" "Cranking it up to maximum level." The amplifiers charged up. "Tommy Cody, lights!" "Copy." The stage lit up. "Allie, fireworks!" Allie charged up her wand. "Gladly." She fired into the sky, creating a fireworks display that got the attention of everyone in the court yard. It got quiet, Jeremy went up to the mic as the others took their positions. "Hello galactic university!" They launched into the best rock and roll song that they all knew, within seconds after the start, sparks started flying, indicating the shutdown of the chips, by the time the song ended, every last chip was deactivated, instantly ending the war, and ensuring peace.

The war is over, the iron avengers saved the school, and probably the entire galaxy, tune in next time as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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