Iron adventures 2.0.14

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"This is Vicky Vale, coming to you live with a special report, it appears that for years, the school known as galactic university has had a legal issue that has gone unchecked until the group known as the iron avengers sniffed it out and stopped it."

    The team was at the galactic stadium for the girls championship bucketball game. The guys sat in the bleachers while the girls were giving it their all. There were a few seconds left, Casey had the ball, she jumped, she threw the ball, and it went in just as the bell rang. "Well do you believe in miracles ladies and gentlemen, because I sure do, because the whomp rats are the galactic champions, what a game it was!" The galactic university crowd was going crazy, celebrating the game. The other team, not so much. The next day, the gang landed in the parking lot. Farkle joined them at the gate. "EXTRA EXTRA, war ends!" Someone had tossed them a copy of the school newspaper, the Galactic Examiner. On the front page were two articles that grabbed their attention, the team picture after the championship game, and the the leaders of the two factions shaking hands, signaling the end. "I'm so glad that this school will finally be peaceful." Though the war ending was a major accomplishment, the headline was, BAM! CHAMPS! Relating to the girls bucketball victory. "Congrats ladies." "You weren't there farkle?" "I had something more important to do." "Hey guys, look at Greedo over there." They saw Greedo, all dressed up in a suit and tie. "He must be the new principle." "Well good for him." Suddenly, Jarvis chimed in with bad news. "Sir, decepticons attacking in the politcal district." "Thanks Jarvis, let's go." The team headed for the political district while farkle suddenly snuck off somewhere else.

    The cons where doing a rockstar tour of destruction on buildings around the area. "Ha ha ha, I hope lord starscream likes how we're redecorating the place!" He turned and sighted the approaching iron avengers. "Well well well, look who came to crash the party!" "This party's over, you might as well go back to starscream while you can." "Ha ha ha I will crush you!" Suddenly, a figure rushed passed the avengers and slammed into the approaching cons, who started punching. "What? Who's that?" "And how does he have a suit of armor?" Jarvis performed a scan. "Sir, the armor's basic design is exactly like your suits, with its added features." "How did he obtain the specs?" While the team pondered who it could possibly be, the cons were dropping like flies. "I'm not going to let this world be destroyed too, unfortunately for you, I survived!" The cons  kept coming, just to be taken down by the newcomer. After for what seemed like an hour, the commanding con had run out of forces. "This isn't over avenger!" He ran back to the hole he crawled out of. "And so my vengeance begins." The newbie started to walk off. "Wait!" The team caught up with him. "Thank you but, who are you, and why did you help us, who sent you here." The figure took off his helmet, revealing someone who almost made the team faint. "Farkle?!" "Howdy."

The iron avengers have encountered a whole new side of farkle that they never thought, stay tuned to find out more, as the adventure takes another unexpected turn.

To be continued.

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