Iron adventures 2.0.18: season finale

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The iron avengers are temporarily without a leader, as starscream plans an attack that he believes will be successful, little did he know that Jeremy survived the blast.

    The iron avengers, minus one, were in the kitchen, eating lunch when the alarm sounded. "Decepticons in the theed plaza, and we're down one man." "No doubt starscream thinks Jeremy's dead and wants to finish us off." "Jarvis, look after Jeremy while we handle the cons." "You know I will." "Let's go." The team ran to the plaza, while Jarvis kept an eye on Jeremy while he continued to work on Jeremy's ironizer.

    The cons were being more aggressive then ever when the team arrived. "Ah, if it isn't the iron avengers, now that your leader is out of the picture, the rest of you are easy targets." "It won't be as easy as you think." "Ha ha ha, we'll see." "Let's armor up." "Avengers assemble."magical source, iron force." They suited up and attacked. The cons charged back. Casey took on the lead con while the others tangoed with his strike force. "It's foolish to face me alone, I'll blast you into oblivion just as I did your leader." Casey quickened her attacks, trying to force an opening.

    Back in theed palace medical center, Jeremy was finally regaining consciousness. He opened his eyes to find himself looking at the repulsor unit that Jarvis had implanted. "Jarvis, what happened?" "Good afternoon sir, I trust you slept well?" "Jarvis, what happened?" "Shrapnel from the blast penetrated your chest. I removed what I could but I had to implant a repulsor unit to keep the rest suspended." "Thank you Jarvis, how are the others?" "Everyone else is fine, they are currently in the plaza battling the same con that almost destroyed you." Jeremy suddenly snapped awake from any remaining drowsiness left in him. "I need to get out there." He only just then realized that he was missing something very important. "Jarvis, where's my ironizer?" "I removed it so I could upgrade it with new powers." "Like what?" "Go to the hanger and you'll find out." Jeremy ran to the hanger, fixed eyes on the screen, and saw a simulation of what Jarvis had in mind. "Jarvis, you are a genius." "I'm glad you like it." Jeremy  grabbed the upgraded ironizer, as well as his legendary tank key and hurried to the plaza.

    In the plaza, the con was doing a good job of holding his own against 11 iron avengers, he was the only con left. "Argh, if my forces couldn't do it, I'll destroy you all." He let out a burst of energy that threw back the team several feet. "See, you're nothing without your leader!" Suddenly, a voice came loud and clear. "I wouldn't be so sure about that cone head!" Everyone turned and saw the con get a face full of fire, knocking him down. The smoke cleared to reveal Jeremy, with the repulsor unit glowing brightly under his shirt. "Jeremy!" "What?! Impossible, I blasted you to oblivion!" "You couldn't have been anymore wrong, I told you good always prevails over evil, always!" Jeremy raised his ironizer. "Avengers assemble." He suited up. The con was not impressed. "You really think that's supposed to scare me?" Jeremy held up his legendary key. "I'm sorry, maybe this will." "I blasted you once, I'll do it again." "Not this time, SUPER IRON MODE, ACTIVATE!" He inserted the key into his ironizer, turned it, and his suit started glowing, it let out a burst of energy and the glow faded, revealing Jeremy clad in a chrome coated suit with spikes on its shoulder plates. "SUPER IRON MODE, READY!" His team got an eyeful of the suit and gasped. "Super iron mode?" "That must have been what Jarvis wanted to upgrade his ironizer with!" "Well, that looks awesome, and powerful." "Yeah, go get him Jeremy!"

    On the warship, starscream's photoreceptors nearly bulged out of their sockets. "Aaarrrgggghhhh. Impossible, that iron brat was blasted to oblivion, I saw it." "He, survived somehow." Starscream continued to scream for several minutes.

    On naboo, the con charged, determined to permanently destroy the avenger. "I'll make sure you do not come out of this alive." "You can try, but you'll definitely fail." They continued to clash while the rest of the iron avengers just hung off to the sidelines and watched. "Think we should help him out?" "Na, that new mode really jacked up Jeremy's power." "I think that repulsor unit helped out with that too." "Well either way, it's awesome." "Think the decepticons are worried?" "Ha, they should be, and if they're not, just wait till the rest of us have that new mode." "They won't know what hit them."

On the warship, starscream contacted his second in command. "Soundwave, return to the Nemesis, you won't win this battle!" "Acknowledged. This isn't over avenger!" Soundwave transformed and rocketed out of there. Jeremy watched him go. "Ha, you better run, because I feel supercharged." Jeremy powered down as the team ran over and went into a group hug. "Glad to have you back Jeremy." "Glad to be back." "Think Jarvis will upgrade our ironizers too?" Jarvis responded. "I should be able to, though I'll have to make keys for farkle and Allie." "My wand can be the key, as it is on my legendary vehicle." "Alright, I'll get started right away." "Come on gang, let's go home." The team went back to the theed palace.

The con war reaches a turning point as the iron avengers gain new abilities. Stay tuned for the exciting new season, iron super adventures, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

Iron Adventures season 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant