Iron adventures 2.0.6

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They are in college for 2 minutes and they are already thrown into a conflict between the students. At least school life would never be boring.

    "Ok, we need to somehow avoid getting hit with a dart, and still make it to class on time." "If we had a small protective dome of energy, we could go through the middle." "Casey, that's it, Allie, do you have a spell for a protective dome?" "Rainbow colored dome protection!" A clear dome appeared. "Alright, let's go." They made a run for it, only to be stopped in their tracks by a giant. "Where the heck did these things come from!?" A man stepped forward. "Hello dearest daughter." "Hey dad." It was allies 's dad, King butterfly. "Uh allie, who's this?" "That's my father, the king of waropia, a warlike planet." "And as the name implies, I am an aggressor." "And what are you doing here?" "I am here to save my daughter from captivity." That made no sense. "What? Father, I am not in captivity, I came here looking for a place to stay, and I met some new friends too." "Ha ha ha, you don't need friends when you take my place as dictator." "I am not going back to waropia, I am not like you, and if I have to, I'll force you to crawl back to waropia." "Fine, here's a challenge, but first, who are your friends?" "We're the iron avengers, defenders of all that is good and true." "Ok here's the challenge, if you can defeat my giants, then I'll leave here peacefully." "Accepted, ironizers ready." "Ready." "Avengers assemble." "Magical source, iron force!" The team suited up. "Summon quick, wand, and T-Rex zords." They threw their weapons into zord mode. "Zords combine." The T-Rex and iron megazords emerged. "Tommy, Cody, combine your zords to form the spell speed megazord." "Right." The jetpack detached, as the quick and wand zords started to transform. The quickzord formed the lower half, the wandzord formed the upper half. "Spell speed megazord, ready!" "Ok guys, let's give them everything we've got." The giants charged, the mega iron force charged back, working together, they triumphed over the giants. "threat neutralized." They disembarked to face king butterfly. "Fine, I'll go." He opened a portal and left.

    On the warship, megatron watched the entire thing. "I swear if they form one more new megazord I'll crash this ship straight into them!"

    "Hello everyone, now that we've passed a crazy giant attack, we can begin learning about galactic history." Ms. Tano, the galactic history teacher, was talking to her full class of 11. The iron avengers. "Now, it is my understanding that all of you are from the milk way Galaxy?" "Yep." "Well, call me impressed." "Thanks." "Now, current events, someone tell me what's going on in the galaxy right now?" "All the media is about the chancellor elections." "Why should we care when 21 year olds don't get to vote?" "Wait, who else feels that way?" All hands went up. "Well that's a shame, because this galaxy will be your responsibility someday." "Oh the one the voters messed up?" "Yeah thanks anyway." "Moving on, I'm gonna show you a clip I got today from the news." Ms. Tano turned out the lights and started a clip.

    "This is Vicky vale, coming to you live from coruscant where the current chancellor vulrum did something so stupid his chances of reelection are like, 0. Unless they can pull an even bigger blockhead out of the woods to run against him."

    As if right on cue, the door swung open, and a gungan came through. "Mesa running for big big position on coruscant and mesa needy your voties." "Jar jar, your running for Chacellor?" "Okey dokey." "Everybody close your books it's the end of the galaxy."

A gungan running for chancellor, will he win? It's seriously doubtful but stay tuned.

To be continued.

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