Iron adventures 2.0.11

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The iron avengers have seen vehicle temples on coruscant, naboo, endor, and Tatooine, and have obtained a tank, a race car, a a carpetmobile, carriage, a monster truck, a turbo falcon, a technomobile, a hammerhead car, a car that can shrink or grow to any size, and a drivers module with a motorcycle driving capability to it. Now, they travel to the final temple on hoth, where Casey hopes to activate her vehicle.

    The iron cruiser landed within a half a mile of the temple as the harsh weather beat on it. "Out of all the places my vehicle could have been resting, it had to be on possibly the coldest place in the universe, sure it makes some sense, but still." Casey said as the team disembarked. "Well, think of it this way, we'd have the advantage over those bucketheads sense they can't be in this weather for very long." "Good point." They proceeded to the temple. Suddenly, they heard engine noise, they turned and saw megatron flying right toward them. "Casey, go on ahead and get your vehicle, we'll handle this." "Right." Casey ran for the temple while megatron converted into robot mode. "So, this is where the last vehicle lies. It is mine or it is scrap." "You'll have to get past us megatron." "So be it." Megatron charged. "Let's armor up." "Avengers assemble." "Magical source, iron force." They suited up just as megatron was on top of them. He punched, he slashed, he kicked, he was doing a good job at repelling attacks, he was also knocking the team back. "You definitely weren't kidding when you said he was a warrior Jeremy." "We need more power." "Then let's go buster." "Hulkbutser power up." Their hulkbuster suits appeared. Megatron was amused. "Ha ha ha ha a simple costume change won't save you. I will tear you ap-" Jeremy punched him in the face before he finished, sending him back several feet.

    From within the temple, Casey was closing in on the legendary vehicle, and constantly trying to take her mind off of how cold it is. "Just don't think about the cold Casey, just don't think about the cold." She kept telling herself. She came up to a door, beside it was a sign that had snow on it. She wiped it off and the sign read, legendary vehicle beyond this door. "Yes, I found it." The door opened and there it was, possibly the sleekest sports car ever. Casey took out her key and activated the car. She examined the controls and noticed that this car had a bunch of gadgets that a spy car would probably have. "Oh, yeah." Casey put the pedal to the metal and rocketed out of there.

    Back outside, the iron avengers couldn't keep up the pressure on megatron, he was pushing them back toward the temple. "Ha ha ha, you have fought valiantly, but it's all over." Missile racks extended from his shoulders and fired, direct hit, the blast was enough to make the hulkbusters revert back to their original forms. "How is that possible?" "We can't take much more of this." "What I don't get is how he isn't affected by the cold." "I am cold resistant, I can take on temperatures much colder then this!" Megatron laughed. Suddenly, the temple rose to reveal the cave entrance. "Jeremy, I'm rolling out, fall back, I'll finish off megatron." "Get out of the way everyone." The team ran , leaving megatron open for the cave. "Ha ha ha, your loss, my gain." Suddenly, lasers, followed by Casey and her spymobile, came out of the cave at high velocity and hit megatron, instantly blowing him to pieces. "Yes, it's finally over!" On the warship, starscream was shocked. "Fire a magma beam on lord megatron, quickly!!!!!!!" The magma beam came down fast, megatron grew and was really mad now. "Ha ha ha, you thought I was mad before, watch what I can do when I really get mad!" Megatron produced an energy ball from his hands and fired it at the iron cruiser, completely destroying it. "No! Alright megatron, this just became personal!" They threw their weapons into zord mode as the wand, T-Rex, and quick zords joined in. "Zords combine!" "T-Rex zord, transform!" The T-Rex, spell speed, and iron megazords activated. Megatron charged, he swiped, he slashed, and was proving just how good a gladiator he was. "Even when in mega mode he still is too powerful." "Stay strong, we can take him." Jeremy noticed something on his screen, it showed all three megazords combining. "Guys, we still have one trick up our sleeve." "What?" " we can combine all three megazords into a single megazord!" "Let's do it!" "Zords combine!" Tommy and Cody formed the jetpack and the T-Rex zord's head detached from its body and its tail/arms detached from its sides. The body attached it self onto the iron megazords' mid section, the arms attached to the iron megazords' arms and the head replaced its head. It was like the iron megazord had just gone buster. "Super iron T-Rex megazord, ready!" "Whoa, this is unbelievable, this megazord combines all of our power!" "Let's put it to good use."

    Megatron was furious. "You still can't block this!" He fired another energy ball at the megazord, just for it to get deflected right back at him. "Yes, with this new megazord, we can now actually win this." The team readied their final strike. "Ok guys, it's time to end this. "Super T-Rex force blast!" They fired on megatron, a direct hit. "Ahhhh! You may have defeated me, but starscream will still finish you!" Megatron exploded, passing the leadership role to starscream. "You will pay for destroying lord megatron! You will pay dearly!"

    Minutes later, they were still on hoth, celebrating their accomplishment. "We did it, one less threat to worry about." "Yeah, except now, how are we supposed to get home?" Jeremy activated his com. "Jarvis, our ride was destroyed could you open a space bridge home please?" A few seconds later, the space bridge opened up and the team went home.

Megatron defeated, it was a major step toward destroying the decepticon threat, but, the cons still have the Galaxykiller. Stay tuned as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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