Iron adventures 2.0.3

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The iron avengers have a new teammate. After passing the trials, Allie butterfly has earned her place as iron witch, with the power of magic. Now, Jeremy works endlessly to make her ironizer, with her armor and weapon of choice, and zord.

    "Ok Jarvis, final rivet is in place, let's test the new weaponator." "Remind me again, what is the purpose of this device?" "You seriously can't remember the conversation we had when I told Allie what we were going to do?" "I just need a refresher." "Ok, this device is supposed to turn into any weapon the the user can think of, an axe, a mace, a sword, even a shield that's indestructible." "And the reason we made this is because Allie couldn't decide what weapon she wanted to be incorporated into her ironizer?" "Now your catching on, I just hope it's not going to be another incident like the collar incident." "I hope not, though that incident did help start your friendship with Casey." "That was the only good thing that came out of that day." Jeremy continued the test, he thought of his shield, and the cylinder in his hand turned into his shield, an exact copy of it. "Ha ha success, now that the armor and weapon is finished, we can transfer them into the ironizer." Jeremy went over to a table, a watch was hooked up to a computer, and the computer was hooked up to a suit, suspended by cables. The suit was the latest design, just like the others, it had the power of flight, repulsor blasters and a unibeam, and just like the other suits, its systems were connected directly to Jarvis. The suit had all the basic features. The suit had the same tint of gold as the others, but the base color was pink, as Allie wanted. Jeremy punched in some numbers and commands. "Beginning download, now." The suit started to pixelate and vanish into the cable, the armor pixels traveled into the computer, Jeremy added the weaponator into the mix, and then sent the pixels into the watch. When that was done, a box popped up on the computer which asked for an activation code. Jeremy typed it in and bam, the ironizer was ready.

    It was almost too much of a perfect timing when the alarm sounded. Everyone poured into the hanger. "We have a monster attack in the plaza. Let's go." The team started for the door. "Wait, Allie." Jeremy handed her the ironizer. "Here is your ironizer, you have a separate voice code from the rest of us. When it's time, say, magical source, iron force. Figured that was appropriate for your style." "That is just my style. Thanks Jeremy." Allie slapped the ironizer onto her wrist. "This ironizer is your life, don't lose it." "I won't." They ran to stop the monsters.

    In the plaza, Raza was leading his troops into the center. "Ha ha ha, let's see those iron idiots stop this." The team approached. "If I were you, I'd retreat right now, before you're demolished." Raza looked Jeremy right in the eye. "How about no, and instead I crush you with my army." The monsters took up positions. "Ironizers read--" Allie held up an arm. "Let me handle this Jeremy." "Are you sure?" "It's time they did the fleeing." "Go right ahead then." Jeremy and his friends stepped back. Allie stepped forward. "Ironizer ready!" Allie raised her ironizer. "Magical source, iron force!" The watch opened up and released an orb of light, the light grew and flew toward Allie. Her body started to glow and released a burst of energy, the glow faded and her armor and weapon were visible. "With the power of magic, iron witch!"

Iron witch is ready for battle, raza's monsters better look out, as a new hero rises.

To be continued.

Iron Adventures season 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang