Iron adventures 2.0.8

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"This is Vicky vale, coming to you live from galactic university, site of the galactic chancellor debate between current chancellor vulrum, and his opponent, jar jar binks, mayor of stupidtown. Yeah, I know how it's pronounced, he says the students are our future. Let's hope so."

The debate took place in the galactic university auditorium. This was supposed to show that jar jar cares about his galaxy by letting the students hear what the debates are all about. "First question for chancellor vulrum, please identify yourself." A green guy stood up. "Hi, Greedo, head custodian, I'm proud of my school, and the environment I help create for my students, here's my question, what are you going to do for the little guy?" Chancellor vulrum answered. "Well, to me there is no such thing as a little guy, to me, all voters are equal and have the same rights." "Yeah but what about the non voters?" "Oh this election isn't about them they will have their election soon enough." "I already don't believe you." "Alright, jar jar, your response?" "Of course this election is about them every election is about them, you've been doing this for a long time chancellor and we don't see anything changing." "There are things in life that end up out of our control." "And yet people say otherwise in their speeches." Someone in the crowd yelled. "Oh snap, the chancellor just got burned by a gungan." The chancellor cleared his throat. "All right here is what I will do, you show me that you have a right to lead them then I will conceal the future to you, and to them." There was silence for a few seconds. "Well chancellor, your right in a few ways, I don't have the experience that you have, I don't have kids, so I can't prove that I care a lot about them-" "But I can." All eyes turned to P.J. "Hi, I'm Patterson James Douglas, jar jar once knew me as-" "-Pat!?"

Jar jar and a young pat were playing holochess in the living room. "Ooh, nice move." "Hey jar, are you going to adopt me?" Jar jar was left with a tough choice to make. A few days later, he gave his answer. "I'm not going to adopt you, sorry." "Now I'm going to Christophis, with people who love and care about me." "It's what's best for you pat."

Back in the present
"One of the best things jar jar did for me, was one of the hardest decisions he had to make, he sacrificed himself so I could live with a wonderful family, you sacrifice students futures for yourself chancellor, so here's my question, is there really any choice here?" The chancellor said nothing."

Later that day, the vote results were in. "And now, our new chancellor is, JAR JAR BINKS, in a landslide." Celebration filled the air at galactic university, the iron avengers were proud to have been on the winning campaign team. "Thank you my friends for helping me win." "Our pleasure jar jar." "Well, I should get going to the senate building, need to make my opening speech." Jar jar walked out."

A new chancellor, and with it some actual changes to make life better. Stay tuned for more, as a new era begins.

To be continued.

Iron Adventures season 2Where stories live. Discover now