Iron adventures 2.0.10

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The iron avengers are on the hunt for legendary vehicles, as they head to the Jedi temple, one of the vehicular hiding places.

    "Ah, nice to see you again it is." Yoda and mace met the iron avengers at the door. "We've been notified of the current situation, we've noticed a door here wouldn't open." "We believe we may have the key to open it." "Right this way." The two masters led the team to the back of the temple, where a door lay shut. There were four keyholes on it. Jeremy suddenly sensed something through the force. "The temple wants to admit only four." "Who?" "Me, Tommy, Cody and Allie." Allie noticed something on the door. "That indent kind of looks wand!" Allie did have a key to it after all. "We need to place our keys into the sockets." The keys were placed, they were turned, and the door was open. "Don't worry Jeremy, we'll make sure no one gets past here to interfere with you." "Glad to hear it." Jeremy Tommy Cody and Allie entered the temple, everyone else just hung back and stayed sharp.

    A few minutes later, the inevitable happened, the decepticons appeared. "Step aside iron idiots, whatever's in that temple has our name written all over it, and it appears your missing some member." Casey looked at the others. "Let's armor up!" They raised their ironizers. "Avengers assemble!" Their suits appeared. "Alright guys, let nothing past this door." "Roger." The cons laughed. Even if you were a full team you wouldn't be able to stop this massive army." "We will with our new armor mode." "Let's go buster." They spun the faces of their ironizers. "Hulkbuster, power up!" Their suits started glowing as they changed form, they enlarged and the glow faded, they had suited up into their Hulkbuster suits.

    In the temple itself, Jeremy led the group through. "We're close, I can feel it." He felt a tremor in the force. "We're right over the vehicles." "Aren't we supposed to go downstairs then?" "There are no stairs, I'll have to cut the floor." He activated his lightsaber and began cutting a circle in the floor. "Get ready, this will be a bumpy landing." They plummeted down into a wide, open space that had great light. The group turned and saw four zord sized vehicles parked, waiting for activation. These vehicles were a tank, a race car, what resembled a magic carpet with wheels, and a massive carriage. Suddenly, the four keys dragged each of them to a vehicle. "What beauties they are."

    Back outside, the others were holding their ground, until suddenly a beeping nouns came. "What?" Suddenly, the Hulkbusters reverted back to their original forms. "This is bad." Without their hulkbusters, they were in trouble. "Jeremy needs to fix that flaw." Suddenly, the Jedi temple started to rise, as a giant cave suddenly came visible, from that cave came out four lasers that hit a multitude of cons. The group with their vehicles followed behind them. "Iron America to all units, mission accomplished." "Glad to hear it Jeremy, but we need to talk about our new armor mode." "Arrggghh, this isn't over avengers." The cons retreated, so did the cave back into the ground. "Wow, these things are awesome!" "I noticed conversion controls that might be able to enable the vehicles to transform into something." "New robots?" "New megazords?" "No clue, but I plan to test it when we have the others safely in our possession." "Great."

The iron avengers have succeeded in finding the first four vehicles, but 7 remain hidden, stay tuned for more, as the hunt continues.

To be continued.

Iron Adventures season 2Where stories live. Discover now