Chapter 1~

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Rebels pov ~

I was sitting on my bed writing in my journal they continue to make fun of me everyone he hates me, my mom tells me that people called her a freak when she was younger but she didn't listen. And she says to ignore them but it's hard and I just wish they unde- I hear talking coming from the room next door and I shut my journal and get off my bed and lean against the wall and listen to there conversation.

Grunt 1: I can't believe that freak is his daughter

Grunt 2: yeah I know she's so ugly to plus I heard that she likes team skulls enforcer

Grunt 1: really? Ha she's a idiot if she thinks he feels the same way

I sigh and start to write in my journal again I know that my crush doesn't feel the same in fact I told him how I felt but instantly regretted it, because when I told him he yelled at me and said that he doesn't like me and he would never love me... it left me heartbroken and he just walked away like nothing happened. I haven't seen him since but I probably wouldn't ever talk to him again since tomorrow I'm starting my journey with my shiny wimpod wiz. It would be just me and him I stop writing and put my journal in my bag that was already packed and ready for tomorrow. Then I lay down and think of tomorrow. It will just be me and wiz.... or so I thought

Sorry it's so short the next one will be longer I promise but for now bye

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