Chapter 16

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Rebels pov~
I had just walked in to the place were the electric trail was supposed to be and I see some short kid running around looking for his chargabug, hey need some help?, I ask him and he nods . We then both look for the chargabug and after about 30 minutes we find all of them. How did they get lost in the first place? I ask, they were scared off by one of my inventions exploding. I snicker and he frowns, sorry its just kinda funny. I say and he shakes his head, that's ok it happens all the time. He says and I smile, so where is the trail at? I ask and he smirks, well you have to figure at some puzzles to get to the totem Pokémon. I smile and nod then try to complete the first puzzle which was pretty easy, then I have to battle a chargabug, drake I choose you, come out and use ice beam! He nods and attacks and one shots the chargabug. Good job drake! He nods and I try to complete the next puzzle, which was harder but I did it and I have to battle another chargabug. Drake ice beam once more! He attacks again and one shots it. I then try to complete the last puzzle which was tough but I finally figured it out. Then we hear a loud noise and we see a totem togedemaru. That thing is huge!! I yell stunned but then order drake to attack, drake use dragon tail, then ice beam!! He nods and attacks but the togedemaru takes little damage, then uses thunder on drake who barely dodges it. Now use dragon breathe! He nods and attacks landing a critical hit, but the togedemaru was still standing and looked like it had at least half its hp left. Use dragon tail once more then use ice beam! Drake attacks and lands two direct hits one being a critical hit as well, but the togedemaru just wouldn't give up. Use dragon breath once more to finish it!! He attacks but the togedemaru dodges it and attacks drake with thunder landing a critical hit d-drake you okay?! He then gets up and starts to glow and after awhile he stops and in his place was a beautiful pink dragonair. Drake you evolved!!, that's great now use twister!! He attacks and it knocks out the totem togedemaru, great job in do proud of you drake!! I hug him tightly and praise him. He lets out a happy sound in agreement. I smile and look at Sophocles, who hands me a electrium z. Thanks so much Sophocles. He smiles at me, no problem after all you earned it that battle was a good one. I then walk out as moon walks in and starts her trail, I walk to the Pokémon center and get my team healed, once they were all healed I let all of them out except angel who was already out, and I give them all a bowl full of pokebeans and they all eat except for angel. She had been acting weird since I teased her about liking gladions eevee, so I sit next to her and ask her what's wrong. Hey angel is something up? She shakes her head but doesn't say anything, you sure you have been acting weird lately, ever since I teased you... is that why you upset? She nods slowly and I sigh, I'm sorry I upset you but there is nothing wrong with liking shadow (eevee name) ya know? We then hear a gasp from behind us and see shadow, y-you like me? He asks and angel tarts growling at me, Great now look at what you did now he knows, why did you have to open your big mouth Rebel. I reach out to pet her but she growls louder, NO! You always mess everything up rebel this is why I wish I was never your Pokémon! I gasp and she rubs off but I don't follow her, my other Pokémon looking at me in shock, I don't say anything but I start to sob. Then mumble if that's what she wants then that's what she gets... I then return everyone but wiz who refused to go into his pokeball. Cmon I guess we can look for her... I'm worried and I hope she didn't mean what she said... wiz then nuzzles me and I start crying again and we go look for angel... it was about an hour later we find her hiding in the talk grass and we hear her sniffling, and I call out her name, angel?... you okay?... the sniffling then stops and she slowly comes out, rebel why are you looking for me?... didn't you hear what I said?... I pick her up and hold her close, yes I heard what you said but you were just upset and you didn't mean it. I know you didn't. She whines and nuzzles me. She then starts to cry and I rock her back and forth. Hey don't cry I'm here I promise I won't leave you. She nods and She whimpers. After about ten minutes she had went to sleep and I carried her back to the bus leading back down the mountain. We then get on and I set angel beside me and shadow cuddles yo to hear making me smile. You two are so perfect together and I see angel smile in her sleep, making me  smile more. Once we got back down the mountain we head to the aether house and I see acerola, Lillie, hau and two kids waiting for me and moon and we walk over there to him and the little girl runs up to me and Angel. Miss! May I pet that espeon? she looks so cute! I look at angel who was looking at her shyly, sure but be gently she is very shy, she giggles and pets angel who lets out happy sounds in the process her tail wagging back and forth, making me smile, thank you miss! Her fur is so soft and warm do you groom it? I think for a moment, well I do groom if occasional, but most of the time it's naturally soft. She giggles and the boy then walks over to me and asks me to let out all of my Pokémon, which I do and he was fascinated by wiz and he asks if he can touch its claw. Sure but be careful they are sharp. He grabs it gently and he laughs. After the kids get done playing with our Pokémon acerola walks up to me and asks me if I'm ready for my ghost type trail. I-I guess after all I-I know that I'm strong enough. She smirks are you afraid of ghosts? I cross my arms, what of course not.... okay maybe I am... she laughs and chuckles and right before we left to head to the trail I see a very familiar blondie and shadow runs over to him and jumps in his arms. His eyes widening and he holds the eevee close to him. I then hear him mumble, I missed you... I try so hard not to run and tackle him to the ground but he sees me and he starts running towards me and I do the same, Gladion!! I then jump in his arms and he spins me around, while hugging me tightly. Gladion I missed you so much! I smile and he kisses me making everyone except for me and angel who was jumping up and down excitedly gasp, but I just kissed him back. After a couple of minutes he pulls away leaving me a blushing mess. He smiles I missed you to rebel, more than you could ever know. I smile and kiss him my tail wagging back and forth like crazy and he kisses me back. I then pull away and see everyone gawking at us and I blush, w-what? Gladion then puts me down and he was blushing too. I the hear Lillie say shocked, y-you two are dating? I look at gladion who was smiling like an idiot, yes we are! Gladion the pulls me into another kiss and I kiss him back. When he pulls away I smile and hug him while shadow was nuzzling his leg. I was finally with him again and I was happy.

Well that's it for this chapter how is it please tell me in the comments but that's all for now bye 😋

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