Chapter 22~

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Rebels pov~
It was about three months after everything had happened and everyone was acting normal and like nothing even happened except for me  and dusk. Dusk was missing I'm guessing she because had lost her memory in the process of everything and I wasn't feeling good I had been sick for the past month and I didn't know why. I decided to go to the Pokémon center and ask nurse joy, maybe she knew what was wrong with me... but I wasn't expecting what I was fixing to be told. I walk into the room and sit on the chair as nurse joy examines me and then she hands me a pregnancy test and tells me to take it leaving me in shock, and I protest at first. I'm sorry but there is no way that I'm pregnant... unless... I sigh then leave the room to take the test then hand it to nurse joy who leaves the room and I wait. About ten minutes later she walks back in and she had a smile on her face, congratulations rebel your pregnant! My blood runs cold, p-pregnant what the hell was I gonna tell gladion?! What would he say?! He would leave me... I fake a smile, that's great I'm so happy! But nurse joy sees tight through me. Your worried aren't you? I nod and look down and she hugs me. I hug back and look at her. Well don't worry I'm sure he will be happy whoever it is. She smiles and I get up to leave, and she waves goodbye. I then see moon, hau and Lillie waiting for me and I look down. Well is there something wrong? Moon asks and I shake my head and try not to cry. Then moon asks Lillie and hau if she can talk to me alone and they nod. Cmon tell me what's wrong... I start to sob, I-I'm pregnant... she looks at me in shock then hugs me. He will be happy rebel... I know it. I just nod and hug her back, honestly I was pretty happy myself, just worried about what gladion would say. I just hope he doesn't leave me... I sigh and pull away from moon, now let's go find hau and Lillie I'm sure they are worried. Also have you seen gladion? He went to town to get some supplies he said he would be back around this time. She shakes her head and we find Lillie and hau and they were talking to gladion. They notice us and walk up to us gladion hugs me and walks me away from the group, so did nurse joy find anything wrong? He asks and I look down, I had to tell him but how do I? I was so fucking nervous. Rebel? Please tell me there's nothing seriously wrong! I look at him and I say to him. I-I'm pregnant...

Dusks pov~
I was walking around wala volcano park and I was whimpering, I hadn't ate anything in two days, but that's because I was broke and I didn't know who anyone was except for my Pokémon, who where lady (tserena), charla (charizard), and (silver) a shiny mimikyu that looked like an eevee that rebel gave me, she said that I was her best friend but I don't know... I do know that she won't hurt me though. I then hear someone behind me and I turn to see a dark skinned male with black and red hair. Um... hi?... he then sighs and looks down and I hear him mumble. So what they said was true... you really did forget... my eyes widen and I walk up to him, were you my friend? He looks at me and pulls me close, no you were my girlfriend. My one true love, I loved you with all my heart and you did the same... I look down and my head starts to hurt, hey, you okay dusk? He asks and holds me closer. I remember you..., I say as all the memories of him were coming back and I start to cry. His eyes widen and e starts to cry to, really?! You do?! He sounded so excited and his voice was filled with joy when he said those words, you really do care about me kiawe... that's why I fell in love with you in the first place, I fell for you kind and strong spirit and your ability to help anyone in need with out thinking about it first. He smiles and kisses me holding me closely like if he let go I would disappear. I smile and kiss him back pulling away after a couple of minutes, I'm so happy that you remember me, I fell for you sweet voice, and your kindness wanting to help any Pokémon on in need no matter the cost. He says as he kisses my forehead making me blush. He laughs and picks me up bridal style making me blush even more and cling to him. Don't worry I won't drop you, I would never let you fall. He says making me smile and kiss his cheek making him blush. I giggle, i would never let you fall either. He smiles and he carries me to his house, he then feeds me telling me that I could have whatever I want and I tell him a sandwich is fine. He nods and makes me one handing it to me and I scarf it down, that was good thank you, I smile and kiss his cheek. Now can we cuddle? He nods and carries me to his bed holding me close as he lays down on it, he then starts playing with my hair making me giggle and slightly blush. I then yawn and he smiles at me, go to sleep, don't worry I will be here when you wake up. I would never leave you alone not again after all I promised to protect you. I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep on him. But before I fall asleep I hear him say, good night my angel....

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter what will gladion say? will he leave rebel to raise the child on her own? find out in the next chapter which hopefully i will be posting  soon I hope your enjoying this story so far good bye for now!!!😋😋

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