Chapter 11~

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Dusks pov~

I was walking with charla and it was a day after the battle royal. I was thinking about rebel, I was happy that she remembered me, I just wish that she knew about Lucy...

Le flash back~

I look at Lucy shocked when she told me that rebel had left to go on a journey. I knew why, it was because she couldn't take the beating and taunting anymore. She never told her mom or dad about it... she only told me. W-why did she leave.... was it my fault?... I ask while trying not to cry. No it's not your fault it's mine, I noticed when she was acting different. But I never asked if she was okay... I always thought that she was just tired since she was always training with her father. But I guess I was wrong... she was crying and I hug her. Don't worry Lucy, she just wanted to get stronger for you... I know it. She hugs me back and stops crying, I know she did but I need you to do something for me. Make sure she completes the island trails, and make sure to tell me when she is going to challenge the Pokémon league. I nod and run out on my journey to find rebel. But at the time I didn't know that guzma was being forced to work with lusamine and they told him that if he didn't that they would find rebel and kill her.

End of Le flashback~

I sigh and notice charla looking at me with a worried expression. I smile at her and pet her head. Don't worry, I'm fine... I'm just thinking about stuff... she whines and hugs my leg, worried about Lucy? I sigh and look away. Yeah I just hope she's alright... it then starts to rain, and I return charla to her pokeball, so her tail wouldn't get wet. I then run as fast as I can to the nearest poke center. Once I get there, I walk in soaked, and I walk up to nurse joy. Excuse me, may I have a towel? She smiles and hands me a towel. Do you need anything else? Like a room or a meal? I want to take her up on her offer but I'm broke. N-no thank you I don't have enough money to pay for it. She hands me a room key, no don't worry about paying it's on me. I look at her shocked, really?! T-thank you so much! I say excitedly and she laughs. No problem, I will send room service in about 15 minutes, that should give you enough time to settle in. I then walk to my room and unlock the door, I walk in and shut the door. I let charla out and she curls up on the Pokémon bed in the floor. I smile and walk into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once I get out, I change into my pjs, and the room service arrives and I eat. Once I finish eating, I turn off the lights and get in the bed. I then fall asleep pretty quickly.

Rebels pov~

I whine as I hear my the my phone ringing, and I yawn then sit up. I then pick up my phone and answer it. H-hello? It was moon, hey rebel! I just called to tell you that I just beat the grass trial. I might challenge Olivia around 4:30, so you better get up and complete your last trail so you can challenge her today to. I yawn again, then sleepily say, oh that's good, and I'm not worried about completing the fire trail. Even though wiz is part bug type he is also water type and water is strong against fire, plus I have the waterium z in case I need to use the water z move. I then hear her snicker, one more thing, I heard that you, are scheduled to challenge her at 3:30, so you better get to work after all it's already, 1:30. I shriek into the phone, I didn't realize what time it was!!! I hear  her laugh. Well I guess I better let you go so you can get ready. Bye rebel. She then hangs up, I then rush to take a quick shower. Once I get out, I change, (pic above) and feed my team. Once they all get done eating, I return everyone but angel, who hates her pokeball, so I let her stay out. I then grab my bag, and the hotel key, and walk outside and lock the door. I then put the key in my bag, and check the time, it's already 2:04, and I have till 3:30 to beat kiawes trail, and fine Olivia at the temple of life. I then walk in the direction of wela volcano park. When I get there it's 2:30, man it's hot here, but that's what I expected after all were right beside a freaking volcano. Once I get to the top I was greeted by kiawe and three marowaks. now watch these three dance, but watch them carefully. They will dance twice but each time they do one thing will be different and you have to decide which one it is. He says and I smile, this should be easy, I say with a smirk, and they start to dance. Once they finish dancing I think for a minute, then say. The middle one posed different when they stopped dancing. The marowak then jumps at me and we battle, which me and angel won easily. I know I said that I would battle with wiz but I'm saving him for last to battle the totem with. Looks like you were right, the marowak was so happy that you were correct that it just had to battle you, but pay attention cuz here we go again. I watch them and once they finish, I notice the random hiker. The hiker obviously. The hiker smirks and sends out a magmar, and we battle once again angel winning easily, good job that one was tougher but the last one won't be so easy, they then dance again and once they finish I notice a marowak that was twice the size of a normal marowak. Seriously, it is like twice the size of a normal one! It smirks and lets out a loud screech, I then send wiz out. Use razor shell! He nods and uses it on the marowak landing a critical hit. But then the marowak uses bonemerang, landing a critical hit as well. Wiz use sucker punch!! He uses it and it knocks the marowak down, but it gets back up and uses shadow bone, landing another critical hit and wiz falls down, but slowly gets back up. Alright wiz, let's do this!!! I then do the pose for the water z move and he does the same. USE HYDRO VORTEX!!!! He uses it and it makes the marowak faint, and kiawe then hands me a firium z. I smile then take it and put it in my bag and Wiz then falls down exhausted. wiz take a good rest you deserve it I'm so proud, I return him and wave goodbye to kiawe. Then I walk to the Pokémon center and heal up my team. Alright now it's time to find Olivia, and when the rockium z....

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