Ch 1 - Entering

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First off I would like to say thank you for all who have tuned in today. For any of those who have are members unlike myself in the LGBT community and have suffered, I will do my best as a person to raise awareness of this issue. I give you all so much credit because you must have so much inner strength to go on day by day by day as people slander and question you. People like you will change the world one day and don't know it yet.

Also I have a character in mind to blend in with the other characters. This is my first none insert reader. Sorry for that.

Side note because of certain events going on, this is being released almost a month in advanced.



It was nerve racking entering the school. The looks you got were all different. Some girls just confused, some in awe, a few in disgust, and others overjoyed. You stood in front of the class. Miss. Yamada was in from of the class and smiled. "Class please welcome another transfer student."

You walk in and smile for everyone. "Hey. How's everybody? I'm Joey Russo from Italy. I can't lie I'm nervous here but can't wait to meet everyone." You nod and have a seat next the only boy in the whole school. Ichika.

"Hey. Another boy somehow is able to control an I.S.?" He asked.

"Yeah. It's a super long story. I just hope that this doesn't complicate anything."

The girls of course were gossiping because boys simple don't come around often. They would have to go off school grounds which would be an inconvenience. Talking about your look. A lean yet muscular body with dark hair.

"That's enough. Now. Orimura since Russo here is new I think you should watch over him." Said Miss. Yamada.

"Right. You stick with me Joey."

"Sure thing Ichika. Thank you really."

"Glad I can help."

"Anything I should be aware of? Friends? Enemies?"

"The girls I hang out with are crazy bit are nice girls that mean well."

"What's all the ruckus for? That I don't get? Is cause..."

"Because you're a guy? Yes."

"Right..." Time to just take notes and go over the class lesson. Similar to the notes you have taken over in Italy. Just an update on newer equipment in development and battle tactics. Continuing as the hours went on in class you could help but shake this feeling. I'm here. After everything I went through. All those lies and with my parent protection made it. Japanese food is good. I got a partner. Yeah. I'm set.

During your first day it was mainly showing you around. A solid lunch with a small groupie of Ichika's sitting a table next to you and thinking how you can improve your fighting skills. Having watched Cecilia in a match you thought you could learn some battle tactics. After all. You were just attending the school to get away. Not a contender by any means. Followed by a student council meeting and more hitting the books. Studying is how you managed to get away from it all. Trying to be the best you can be. That and a book didn't talk back to you. Or ask you... any personal questions that were awkward or uncomfortable. It was a time of piece. Until you look at the time.

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