Ch 5 - DNA

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I kind of go into this and think about all that's going on. Then coming to mind how important writing this story was. Feeling good. And probably going to finish this in a few hours. If I'm lucky by tonight and celebrate with a Peroni.

To all those in the LGBT community who have enjoyed this I'm glad. It's a warm feeling. Hope everyone loves the direction Joey and Tatenashi are going.



Miss. Orimura was checking in with her assistant Miss. Yamada in one of the campus labs. One of those finishing nights of conducting research and making sure everything is secured. After an automated I.S. unit made it to the circumference of the school no chances could be taken. You had missed it before transferring and were just trying to get through day by day. Only your business mattered. Yet with Miss. Orimura being the boss of the operations she wanted everything from everywhere on the table. She had to know it all.

A knock came on the door. "Who is it and tell me it's important." Demanded Miss. Orimura.

The doors opened. "It's Tatenashi." She walked in. "I got just an update for you."

"On the Italian right?"

"Yes ma'am."

"So what do you have on him?"

"He's a transgender."

Miss. Orimura shook her head. "Tell me something I don't know."

"Wait what... how did you know?"

"He's what?" Asked Miss. Yamada.

"Makes sense how he can pilot an I.S. And the fact he's so quiet and doesn't have the female traits. Yet science describes him as a born girl." Miss. Orimura was elaborating the details.

"His strength is getting better. He might be able to beat your brother hand to hand with some work. Other than yesterday it's been everyday." Tatenashi was trying to defend you. She had a heart and cared but she had to report to her superior.

"I know. Good. His business is his business. Russo needs to get going at it. Our enemy might be closer than we think. Thank you for looking after him. My brother couldn't do it."

"Thank you. After can I still keep up with his training boss?"

"That's your choosing if you so desire to. I asked for this job. Any relationship with him is none of my concern."



You woke up and looked in front to see your arms not holding anything. A look back and nothing behind you either. Nashi? Looking over she was cuddled into her bed. "Good morning Pres."

She yawned. "You know I don't like being addressed as that."

"Then what should I call you? Just Nashi?"

"Well it is cute but I'm fine with terms of endearment. Pick one and get back to me. I'm going to scrub my face and get dressed. Don't worry I have PJs on." She flipped off the covers.

"Phew." You sighed in relief. She actually had pajama bottoms on. "One day."

"Oh Dear can you fold these and put them on my dresser?" She rounded the corner only to take those off and throw them.

"Almost... Sure."

"Thanks Baby. Out momentarily."

"Woman! Why do you hate pants in front of me so much?" You cried.

Third Class (Transgender X Tatenashi)Where stories live. Discover now