Ch 4 - Suspicion

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How's the wake going to go after you wake up next to a woman? Plus is she boarding with you for a reason? What in the hell is going on?



You wake up as the buzzer goes off. Hitting snooze and turning over you notice Tatenashi is still in your bed. "Uhhh Tatenashi?"

She yawned. "Oh my. I have a handsome man in my bed. You dog. Is this when you ask me that magical question?"

"Huh?" You back away and accidentally fell off the bed and onto the floor. "Ouch. What the hell?"

"Hey. You're in concussion protocol. You hit your head Pumpkin?" She sat up.

"Why are you in my bed still?" You cried.

"Snuggling to your scent. Lots of presidential work. Yeah I was kind of due for a good sleep. Thanks though. Oh and the massage too. Thank you again."

You make your way to your feet and grab some clothes from the dresser. "I'm getting dressed. When I'm done please put some clothes on."

"I know. Pants. But a girl in her room can where a shirt as a short dress. Long as they have panties on."

"Anything else I should know..."

Tatenashi giggled. "I'm a 36DD and like colored bras?"

"Okay. I'm that note." You walk into the bathroom and shut the door.

"Oh Joey the look on your face."

That was first of the going to be of many mornings with this girl. Granted she wasn't always flirtatious and she did wear clothes. Yet unlike most girls she was really laid back about it. Wasn't making strict rules and didn't try to watch your every move possible. A few days went by as you were in the locker room after your practice session. Just getting into your school uniform Tatenashi entered as you put your head under a running faucet of cold water.

"Nice work. Improving to shoot while at higher speeds."

"Made it. I'll take it." You sighed.

"So should I save you a seat for you when we see Ichika and the girls?" She asked.

"I got to head to the pharmacy. I'll head there now and eat later. See you in our dorm later. If you need anything when I grab a plate let me know. Sound good?" You grab a towel to dry your head.

"Yeah... You kind of look hot with your hair like that."

"Thanks I guess? Anyways see you at home I guess."

Tatenashi left to head off to the cafeteria. Picking up her chop sticks she smiled and followed the conversation going on. The girls had a few questions to ask about her living with you. Houki put Ichika in place as they shared a room for a few weeks. Now it seemed like it was her turn. Plus the girls secretly wanted tips for their crush.

"How's you and the Italian? Complicated. We?" Asked Charlotte.

"He's actually quite nervous. Always knocks and blushes when I'm fixing the buttons of my shirt. It's kind of funny." She smiled.

Ichika sweatdropped. "Same with Houki and Char..."

"Well he's trustworthy right?" Asked Reen.

"He's bride material?" Asked Laura.

"I don't see anything to raise concerns. I'm the President so I have to look into these things. But yeah he cooks a little bit, studies, and he's not a pain like some girls think he is. I mean no one is an angel but he's pretty good. So far so good. I'm sure Ichika has had his moments." She smirked at him as all the girls looked over to him. "I thought so."

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