Ch 2 - Sparring

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Entering an all girl school with the exception of you and one other. Check. Getting all these crazy stares as well as groupies. Check. Getting blasted in the face after losing a contest by the Student Council Presisdent? Yeah also a check... What now as you try to blend in the school?



You feel a nice ocean side breeze. Finding yourself sitting on a beach towel above the sand. Then feeling a hug behind you. No one was around and as the waves clapped.

"I accept you." Those warm words were heard from the girl wrapping around you. Not being able to look behind to see for yourself.

You wake up to a soft humming and find yourself in a bed. Not just that but with someone's lap as a pillow. You blink a few times and try to have this slight headache stop. "My head." You mumble.

"You awake?" Tatenashi whispered.

"Pres? I mean Tatenashi? What the hell is going on? Why am I here?" You ask her and try to fully wake up.

"Now now. Easy getting up. May have overdid it. I got you checked out. No concussion. Although I hope my lap is comfortable. Ichika will be joining us momentarily."

"Lap. Yeah. Uhh... Thanks. Hope this is okay. I don't want this to be something wrong."

"No worries. Your energy seems good on your IS so let's go. Time to put in some work." She pointed her fan at you. "Time to earn it."

"Yes ma'am."

You follow Tatenashi to the practice area to meet up with Laura, Charlotte, and Cecilia. Both surprised that you were joining them. But you weren't the boy they were looking for. Which kind of made things awkward.

"This boy is not my bride." Complained Laura.

"Bride? Sorry. I'm Joey. Nice to meet you."

"I know who you are. You're the Italian that just got here. No?" Asked Laura.

"Yes. Good to meet you. You're all the Germany, France, and England Representative Candidates right?"

"Do you have a problem with the French?" Asked Charlotte with a flinch.

"No. In fact I have a hard time blending in at home. Let alone be judgemental of others. That aside, I'm ready for my training. Bring it."

Tatenashi had a plan. How devious or not was something else. She opened her fan and covered the lower part of her face. "Simple sparring match. Joey vs Cecilia."

"England's contender against me? Oh boy. This is not going to go well."

"Quiet. I have this set up for a reason. Let's begin. Get into your IS."

"Yes ma'am." With a flick of your wrist you get into your mech. A second generation. Scatter Wing. "Now I am nervous but honored. Thank you Cecilia."

"Anything my Dear's friend." She winked. She deployed airborne as you had to follow with a fifty meter distance.

Those pieces can fly and shoot on their own. From what I have gathered she's got to have endurance if I have already seen her battle today. If that wasn't enough she can snipe real well and those rockets can easily put me out of commission. "I can try bring it on."

"Begin." Called Tatenashi.

"Well now since I clearly have the upperhand you go first." Cecilia had a wide grin on her face.

Third Class (Transgender X Tatenashi)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu