Ch 6 - Game

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Are you honestly ready for a date? Ichika may think so and maybe one or two of the girls. What does Tatenashi think? Better yet how's he going to explain who he is? Joey got thinking to do.



You were on the locker room as you changed into your battle suit. Stretching good before going out to the arena and deploying your I.S. Ichika a few lockers away was the only other one there. It wasn't just because he was a boy but Tatenashi wasn't haggling you.

"Yo Ichika?" You called.

"What's up Joey?"

"You ever thought about if you had a thing with any of the girls?"

"Well... I haven't thought about Joey. Houki and Rein and my good friends. Char and Laura need me. Cecelia is a pleasure to be around. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. Guess I've been thinking about the dating pool. But it's just weird on my end." And more complicated than the average person. I don't know who would be accepting.

"Who?" He asked.

You chuckle. "Actually it's funny you say that. No idea."

"Well best of luck. Let's own our skills and get out there." He gives you the thumbs up.

"Yeah." You close your locker and give the thumbs up.

Both walked out to the arena and stood fifty paces away from each other. The sky had a little bit of sun left before it set and no wind. It was bound to be cold night so you had to hurry up and finish this. You two didn't have all night long. Unlike him and one of the girls in his harem. (Oh I did that? C'mon. I'm Rel. Damn right I did.)

"Let's go. Scatter Wing." You deploy your I.S. and get comfortable. Least we can get focus on melee. I need work. Tatenashi said it to.


"Joey your tricks are great at getting the upper hand. But in order for them to work properly you sometimes have to go hand to hand. Physical combat is a weapon you can regularly use. Ichika is the one for the job." She waved herself with her fan and smiled at you.

"Anything else Nashi?"

"Get into the habit of never letting your guard down. The tasks will be much greater then sparring matches. I trust you know that."


Why do I feel like she's hiding something? Maybe she senses another. I can't figure out that girl. And I live with her on top of that.

"Hey you okay over there?" Called Ichika waving.

"Huh?" Spaced out. "Yeah. I'm good. Let's go. Melee only."

"Sweet. Just lovely." Byakuchiki drawn it's sword the Y.N. as you had drawn out yours. A new upgrade thanks to a little mod or two. "That your new toy?"

"Yuralus. She is beautiful. Let's go!" You zoom forward and clash swords. Scouting report. Fast And swift movements. When far away can dodge ranged attacks with ease. Dangerous in close quarters but not overpowering. Thanks Tatenashi.

Trying to urge more pressure into the slash it was clear you weren't overpowering either. He was actually a little bit stronger than you. Thank heavens it was learned quickly. Guard had to be up at all times and prevent any openings. This was Ichika's stronghold. "Not bad. Strong." He smiled.

Third Class (Transgender X Tatenashi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant