Ch 16 - Deserve

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I don't have too much to go here but this is one story that means so much to me. The fact I was able to create a solid transgender character and have him blend in. Plus I love Tatenashi. More I.S. stories will come. Not sure who, but keep in mind Animefreak1988 my apprentice is going to be doing all the girls and Ichika. I asked if we would coin flip who, but Tina volunteered to do all of them. Welp. Won't give away who I'll do next but you all will see in time.

We left off with he aced his test and Nashi wants to compensate afterwards. Define what she means? Well... Lemon Warning will be posted when the time comes.

Enjoy. Haha.


It was now to see how well Tatenashi had her sources. Joey was in Ms. Yamada's class as everyone was receiving their exams back. The girls wanted to pass and see if they could reward Ichika. Quite a simple task really. The guy was always dense. Seemed to not be getting better at it either. Though Joey knew he had great girls trying to get his attention. Least he didn't have to compete. He had Tatenashi.

He picked up his test and was thrilled. She was right. 92. Oh man I haven't had something this good in a while. Feels amazing. Thanks for believing me everyone. You know what? I just might take the day off. No extreme training and not studying myself to sleep. That and Tatenashi might be making something good tonight. I can't wait.


Meanwhile as Ichika was gloating in his 86 the girls were trying to see how far they could go as far as spoiling him. Cooking, helping him study, and maybe get a few hugs or so. He was going to be bombarded as Joey slowly went over to his dorm. So relaxed and happy as he turned the knob.

"Nashi are you home?" Seeing the lights are out as he stepped in and sighed. "Guess not." He stretched and walked towards the bed to put his stuff down as the door slammed and locked shut. "What the?"

"Hey Baby. Good evening." Said Tatenashi somewhere in the dark.

"Forget to pay the bill?" It was pitch black.

"How about I be your eyes? We'll make a game out of it."

"Okay? So I'm by the bed. Where to from here?"

She giggled. "I don't know. Where do you wanna go? Mister man."

"The shower? The table? Eventually bed to get a good rest after the hard work."

"Well you have more to do. Every heard of a man's work is never done?"


"Well then, I'm sending you back off to work. On me." The lights turn on. "Meow."

"Nose, bleed." He blushed at her as she had on this super tight neko cosplay. Top way too small that barely covered the chest, bottoms undersized with a tail, and of course the ears. To boot a garter on her left leg and fur wristbands. "Nashi..."

"Welcome home Dear." She crawled towards him as he just stood there frozen in place. His ultimate weakness. Being seduced of course. Making her way slowly and raised herself up and in for a kiss. "Would you like dinner, a bath, or like, to, have me?"


She gave him another kiss to cut him off. "All three but in reverse order."

Lemon Warning

Third Class (Transgender X Tatenashi)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora