Ch 17 - Round Two

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I don't have much longer to go here but I cannot express how truly happy I am on how this turned out. Nashi is #3 on my waifu list after all. I got this and a next chapter being the finale. I was very skeptical about trying this out and it is a success. Now just two more to give it the kaboom I need.



After the lewd loving mess both hoped in the shower. Second time around isn't like the first. Not too nervous and it was just finding the right water temperature. Hugging each other and a few kisses between washing each other. Nothing too naughty since the first time exhausted both members of the couple. Then out and slowly got dressed into some nighttime wear.

"I still owe you dinner handsome. You caught up on work?"

"Indeed I am. I've been the most driven the last two days than I have in a long time. I guess it's true what they say Nashi." Joey smiled.

"Of all things we discussed you better say this one." Smiling back and turning the stove on.

"Well it all starts with yourself. I can't be ashamed of what I am or who I come from. I am all of me. I am born a transgender who considers himself a man and made lots of love to a woman. I know who I am and regret nothing. It took years and years to be okay with it. And I still won't tell everyone. It's simply my business and I don't need approval from anyone. I'm a regular guy. I'm headstrong, dense as a piece of fudgecake, and no way can under any circumstances wear a skirt." He chuckled and walked back over to Tatenashi and hugged behind her. "I love you."

She turned her neck around and kissed him. "You too Baby."


The day came as Joey was at his desk taking notes as lecture was being taken place. Organizing the best way he could as Ichika was impressed that this ethic just came out of nowhere. Almost like he office job and someone was paying him good money. The girls looked over and amazed at this new transition he was making. That instead of worrying about himself and how he fits in he is focused at what is front of him. Being the best possible at operating an I.S. unit and his next fight would be a close one.

The alarms went off. Trouble was at hand yet again for the school.

< Everyone with personal I.S. please suit up. > Miss. Orimura meant serious business when she made that announcement.

Sure enough Joey put down everything and sprinted to locker room to suit up. On his way running he called Tatenashi.

< Baby what is it? > She asked.

< Nashi I just want to say I love you. I have a feeling it's Phantom Task. And you know what? That bitch isn't getting hold of me a second time. Meet you on the field. >

< Don't be hasty. >

< Never. See ya. > He hung up and continued to get there as fast as possible.

Rushing into the locker room he was able to change and change into his unit just as everyone else showed up. "Hurry along everyone. And no gawking at Ichika. Haha. Kidding. Let's move." He dashed out of there to see if their was any damage done outside the school. Rushing out the only two out there were Tatenashi and Miss. Yamada. "Hey. My favorite teacher and overall person ever. So what's the situation."

"Oh not you again you dyke." Called a voice.

"Oh. And not the psycho bitch either. Am I wrong?" You wink. "Didn't think I ever got your name either. Regardless I don't care. I see you got another spider unit. Too bad that face is still shot." You fire one of your hidden wings and it clipped her.

"Joey! Don't go at it alone." Ordered Tatenashi.

"And her? Well I must say she is a worthy opponent. You two have a thing or something. Didn't think she was into girls. Whatever you want I guess." She laughed.

"That's Tatenashi The Mysterious Lady." She zoomed and struck head on knocking her back. "And his name is Joey biotch!"

"She looks quite manly."

"Less talk and more action. I plan not to have you escape once again. 'Mere bitch!" You charge right at her blade in hand. This time you are prepared and all ready for it. Nothing mentally to distract you. Your I.S. at full strength, no one to protect, and not a care in the world on what anyone would say to hurt you. It, is, on. Making contact the others are slowly showing up. Ichika, Char, and the whole lot of them. It was starting to become a numbers game. Her chances of leaving were slim.

"Joey you alright?" Asked Ichika.

"Sweet. Ichika. Blade to blade. Let's do this. I got her for the time being.

"Got it." Ichika was going in circles distracting her. She couldn't focus on all of them all at once. Spider eyes or not. He planned on setting the table for everyone else.

Giving Cecelia the range and set up time she aimed her sniper rifle. Targeting the fragile and open pieces on the I.S. unit. She had many arms to take care of. Taking down her armor and energy not just bit by bit but in chunks.

"Hey Nashi think that mist technique will work?" You ask.

"Of course it will Baby. On it." It started to slightly fog as her nanobots were controlling it and starting to surround and penetrate the armor of the Arachne II. "Ichika don't get too close." She ordered.

"Right." He copied.

I think she can't see my wings. Once she times it right I think I can end this and put this hag in a hospital bed. I've so been waiting for this. This is my moment. This is my revenge. This one, this one's for me. "Nashi go for it.

She snapped her fingers. A series of charges blew up inside the unit itself and caused a great cloud of smoke. "Do it!"

Charging head on you lunge and stab her while she can't see you. Waiting as the impact is pushing her straight backwards. Then using all your wings since you were being held from the impaling from your sword you launch all of them by her head. Penetrating in the neck and other pressure points. Everyone could hear the I.S. unit turn into the danger zone as she could barely go on.

"Last one." Cecelia shouted and shot once more. A headshot and I.S. unit disappeared. No longer able to be deployed in battle as it has reached its limit. The crazy woman just stood there as if she knew her fate would be interrogation and torture for the rest of her life.

Approaching her you walk slowly with sword in hand. "You tried to kill me, my lover, and my friends. You think I'm some freak when you should really look in the mirror. You probably have a device in it as well as yourself as a tracker. But on thing we both know is you are too dangerous of a person to be kept alive."

She stared out and laughed. "Do it! I dare you."

"Okay then." You swing your arm back and get it over with. She coughed blood and froze. That blow was going to be all it took. "Don't have to tell me twice. Goodnight." You pull it out and disengage your I.S. "I may be different. I know I am. I am aware only half a dozen or so truly know who and what I am. But they know that I am here to pilot an I.S. to the best of my ability and protect those in need. That mind you, is something that took too long to figure out. Better late than never.

Tatenashi looked over and just smiled. "Oh Joey. I knew you could. Silly boy."


It pains me to bring this to an end like any story but I have the finale being next chapter. Keep a look out. Also if you aren't up to date it may contain spoilers.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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