Ch 14 - New Approach

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After some "healing" their might be a new way to go about things. Communication being a start. But wait, theirs more.



Not sure what the heck level of stealth she had or if you were just "tired" after last night. You woke up to the sound of the stove and smell of food. You open your eyes and who's inches away from your face?

"Morning Dear?" She smiled.

"Morning? I feel bushed. Or is it just early?"

"You're about fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. Toast and eggs is finished. Maybe a sit down breakfast together would help you Babe."

"Might need my strength." You throw the covers off and Nashi is wearing the apron outfit. Again... "Tatenashi is that just bra, underwear, and apron?"

"Yes? Why?"

"You trying to give me heartburn?"

"Excited maybe. Though I think I helped you out last night with that. I was very excited myself to see you pleased."

"Thank you. Let's uhh, leave that for another time. Thank you for the food." You take a seat right across at the table. "This looks good." Then you take a bite. "Wow. Heaven."

She giggled. "You're too much."

"So how is training today?"

"I want you to carefully hit the gym and go from there. Got it? Take it easy. Don't over do it. And I want your homework aced."

"Yes Dear." You wink.

"I'm looking forward to this. Remember. Mind and body. You're the best boyfriend ever."

"That so Nashi? I mean haven't you had others at one point?"

She laughed. "Not important. And if you didn't know, I'm not into girls that way. So yes I find you manly."

"Guess the script works." You nod.

"Honey, don't go there. And don't overdo it on that. I like your chest and everything as is. Now let's finish up and get your notes and your books in order. Can we agree on that?"

Naturally as she said when she punched your lights out that their is a price. But what if the price was going to benefit you in every single way. Organizing yourself, gaining knowledge to give you the confidence, and using your strength and gaining some along the way. Just like any girlfriend would want to, she wants you to better yourself along the way. Leading to a happier you. Strength, knowledge, and at the same time loving and having a laugh.


It was time for lunch as everyone gathered around a huge table. Tatenashi couldn't make it but you were around Ichika and the girls which was a positive energy you could live with. You put your bag down and sigh in relief. "Man this is last tense?"

"What are you up to today?" Asked Ichika.

"Well Nashi has this idea and I kinda like it. It's about body and mind building to sum it all up. Bettering me. Better work ethic and slowly hitting the gym building muscle. Eventually building confidence."

"This for swinging a sword?" Asked Houki.

"Overall. Though I'm not going to get jacked. Just stronger and have better technique. Lean muscle and a swing using the whole body."

"Ahhh. Correct. Best of luck." Houki smiled knowing your next sparring match is going to be good.

"Both is powerful." Agreed Laura.

"Ichika Darling I think you both." Smiled Cecilia.

"Which is why you'll be my bride." Laura sipped her coffee. Everyone ignored that. Especially since Ichika is a guy. He would not wear the pants in the relationship bit still no bride.

"Sweet and sour pork if you get an 85 on next test." Proposed Rein.

"Cake for a 90. We?" Asked Charlotte.

"Ichika Dear I'll cook if you pass." Offered Cecelia not knowing she's basically a participation trophy if the whole discussion.

"Anything and everything for a B or above." Houki thought if she waited she would have the best offer. Sure enough not only was it the lowest but also the most beneficial. "80 you get dinner. 90 is dinner and cake. 100 is a surprise."

"Oh my goodness." Ichika looked at all of them. Different to have them wanting him to do good when at the end of the day trying to win his heart.

"Maybe cuddles at 95? A perfect score seems a little much."

"Cuddles? Done." Houki said happily.

"No fair! Ichika my bride a 70 and a kiss." Offered Laura.

"Welp. I know where this is going. An exam is tomorrow. Gonna hit the books. Be fair to the girls Mr. King."

"Huh?" Reacted the girls.

"What the hell does that mean?" Asked Ichika.

"My my. So dense. Figure it out. Later all."


It was getting dark. Studying and homework out of the way, hit the gym, and did your training for the day with Ichika. Time to shower off and get back at it. Open the door and throw your bag on the bed. "Nashi I'm home." You called.

"Joey?" Tatenashi was wrapped in a towel just getting out of the shower. "Well it's all yours."

"And put some pants on." You chuckle.

"Fine. No top. I'll use my towel."

"..." You give her this blank stare.

"So Baby the girls said you've been working hard. In your studies too. What's this about a reward I heard?" She knew something was up. But what?

"Ichika scores a 95 Houki promises dinner, cake, and a cuddle."

"We cuddle all the time. It's actually quite heavenly. Never had comfort like this. Boy or not."

You smile. "I agree. I feel whole from it."

"So Joey, what do you want?" She smirked walking closer to you.

You sweat. "What do you mean?"

"You want cake? Maybe a..." She slide her hand under her towel. "Piece of pie?"

You blush. "What!?"

"I'll figure it out. Don't worry. Might be cake and a wet kiss. Love ya."

"I love you too Nashi." Though I can't help but think that something is up with her as well as Ichika. Rewarded like back when I was home? I mean is their anything I can do for her? She already does so much as it is. Want to love her and pay her back as well.


Ichika getting bribed and you got an offer on the table in the works. What's going to happen to the both of You? Good? Bad? Something hella crazy? Meh. Probably. Haha.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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