Ch 15 - Exam (Mini)

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An exam is today and you have been hitting the books studying hard on this one. How do you do? And what happens with Ichika? You two have something at stake.



The bell rang as you stood there. Staring at the writing utensil the clock slowly moves as you were ready to get this over with.

"You may begin your exam now. When done you hand them in on my desk and you can leave as you wish. Results will be given tomorrow after class. Keep in mind none answered questions are marked as incorrect and on writing portions it's complete sentences. Go for it."

Nothing but your own mind and the paper now. Answering multiple choice questions. At first the answers were obvious and some easy going forward. Only a small handful of them were tossups and then onto the short answer and one page long answer. Studying was paying off already as some not even at the halfway mark.

I got this. I know I passed. Nashi, I hope tomorrow night I hope you're making dinner. Because I feel great.


Saving a spot for everyone at lunch as Houki finished minutes behind you. Grabbing food and a seat it was just the two of you until the others showed up. Possibly waiting for Ichika or just needing a little more time.

"So Sensei Houki how did it go your end?"

"If it's not excellent I'll be furious."

"Confident like me. Sweet. Though are you serious on what happens to Ichika if he aces that exam? Cuddles and cooking for him."

"Cake with his name on it. Why?" She blushed a little.

"I'm jealous. Tatenashi said she had an idea but never told me what. Though hey a nice cake sounds nice."

"Tatenashi could make you one."

You nod. "True."

"So how's the new tips helping you? Remember, its the hips."

"Noted. That's why I have a new workout for it in the gym."

"Not too shabby. Though another tip is it's not strength. I look very feminine. So does your girlfriend. You don't have to be macho to swing a kendo or a sword."

"I've noticed that. I don't think I could bulk like that unless I put in a daily routine. Not on my list of things to do. Stronger is one but built is a whole different level. Don't want to upstage too much."

"Granted. Well eat up and and kill some time before next class. We deserve it."

"Yeah. Cheers Sensei."


Tatenashi had two exams and then of course paperwork and her report to staff. It was a long day and she herself was a little warn out. No one could have that amount of energy and stamina all the time. Not even her. She opened the door to the dorm you shared with her to be surprised the lights were out. "Joey?" She called softly. Hmmm. Guess he's not here. She flicked the switch and looked over to the bed. "Awwwwww." He's so cute in his sleep. All that studying and working yourself to be better finally crashed you. Me too. Guess I'll tell you later. Good for me because I'll congratulate you tomorrow. Not your goal but you did pretty well on that test. She giggled and walked over to kiss your cheek. "I'm proud of you." She whispered. Can't wait for you to find out.

The next morning came and you were up early. Something rather usual as you woke up too. A look in front and then behind you. No girlfriend. Then turn in bed and she is by herself in her own bed. Something the two of you haven't done in a couple weeks. Wow. Actually passed out the whole night. Geez. Well guess I'll start breakfast before I have a good day. I am pretty sure I aced that test.

Going into the regular routine of getting dressed was done by the light of your phone to not wake her up by hitting the light switch. Instead you quickly dressed yourself and went into the kitchen. A half hour early so not too bad. Plenty of time to get ready for the day. In the mood for something real good. Steak and eggs Nashi. Sorry for the noise.

Noise wasn't entirely loud but you cannot soften the sound of sizzling meat being cooked. Tatenashi woke up and smelled the air. "Honey?" Then she looked over to the kitchen.

"Morning ma lady. How goes it?" You smile.

"I should ask you. When I came home you were out. Someone had a hard day of studying and training. We haven't slept in different beds in weeks."

"I know. It was weird. Thought a short nap could help. Not all freaking night."

"Well can I get a kiss first? Before I give you your reward? I know your score Joey."

"I got my 95?"


"Dammit! So close. Man I wanted that perfect. Maybe I can't have nice things. Oh well."

"I was going to cook breakfast. But I have an idea. Maybe it's a choice of yours. Or maybe, all of it and more." Me, dinner, cake, and a bath. All in that order. Because I love my handsome man more and more by the day. And you can't say no to me. Love you Baby.


Spoiler alert. Haha. I'll be honest one time I spent 30 hours studying for a test and failed it in college. It was environmental science. One of the hardest classes I have ever taken. Seriously straight up I felt completely like a waste of space. College I give my hats off too regardless of my time there. Won't get into my professors and everything else. Some know the story so yeah. Not going there.

Nashi knew that you nailed the test from her sources. May not be that 95 but you still got the ace. Take it and roll with.

As always I hope you enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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