Ch 11 - Slap Strike

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Beating Houki with a kendo is like trying betting on a horse. Your chances are so against you winning but it's all to learn. What mood is she in? She going to beat you black and blue or go over kendo 101?



I clearly need my head examined. Well outside from usual since back home I would be considered a head case. Guess it's time to get back to the fight. I haven't had a girl completely kick my ass since Nashi and I had that takedown match and she punched me because her robe slipped. Man. Trying not to get hurt. Your thought process all over the place. On how to win and why you are here on the mat.

"I'm waiting. Snap out of it." Houki shook her head.

"Hey. Trying not to get jousted like I'm getting knocked off a horse."

Houki sighed. "Trying to just defend? You have to be balanced and go at the opening. While at the same time using forward strikes to distract. Hold on." She pointed to your lower body. "What is that?"

"Huh?" You look to your left and your right legs to see if you they are out of position. But really it just looking like you were checking if a bee was around.

"Wider Joey. Stance isn't wide enough. You're almost as straight as a pole." You stretch the stance a moment and take a swing. "Use your hips. A swing is a full body motion. Don't get mad. The melee art takes time through practice, time, and meditation."

Practice, time, and meditation. That's useful. "Alright."

She bowed as the fight was going to resume again. "Game to three. Nothing else I can give you. Prepare yourself." Houki glarring down to you her now enemy. Expected since this was a lifestyle to her. Senpai Houki ready to bring your ass to school.

"Yes Senpai."

"Good. Begin."

"Right. Okay. I, can do this." Attempting to build confidence.

"Here I come." She shouted yet not moving a single muscle. Standing there motionless.

You take a step forward. "You alright?"

She didn't even step forward. Houki used her hips and core to swing and connect to your left arm. "Point."


"Told you. Hips. Let's go. Losing day light and dinner is close."

"That's what I get for dropping my guard for a lady." You sigh. "Okay. 1-0. Get it." You swing. Easily blocked.

"So forced. You and Ichika are so thick headed. Really. Both so dense. Think deeper. Your surroundings and foe's movements for starters."

Spam moves? Works on a PC. A left. A right. A left diagonal. A bigger right. Lower right. And a top left. Spam? Rage? From your movements it looks like you got pissed and went off.

Houki being a skilled veteran took a big step back and hit you with her punishment technique. With a hard slapping sound hit you right in the hand forcing you to drop the kendo and flinch. And to finish it off a down hammering hit to your left shoulder. You were on your knees in pain as she turned away. "And that, is the discipline counter. You aren't a caveman. Use precision. Today we are done here."

"Failure." You moped.

"Tomorrow after your training with her I expect you here."

You look up. "Really?"

Houki turned back. "Don't waste my time."

"I won't Senpai." Nodding.

"Good. See you at dinner." And with that her battle persona disappeared. Back to the regular kind girl she is. Though it makes someone wonder how someone could have that mindset and control. "Remember. Practice, time, and meditation."


Tatenashi opened the door as the two of you got in. It was time to bathe, hit the books for a little, and cuddle if she still wasn't angry from this morning for going to the gym. "You had a long day haven't you?"

"Gym to class to training and obviously studies. I'm beat." Stretching from the soreness Houki put you through you groan.

"Yeah. Don't beat yourself up Dear."

"I won't."

You take off your shirt and she gasped. Should have done it in the bathroom. "Joey!" She cried.

"What a bug or something?"

"Look at yourself. When I said don't beat yourself up I'd hope it wasn't literally."

"Yeah well, uhhh..." No. Houki messed you up big time. Your ribs and shoulder in purple colored bruises. "Guess I overdid it?" You fake smiled.

"Beat yourself up? Did someone hurt you? Did you fall? Tell me!" She demanded an answer and it was going to be the truth so you don't get in trouble otherwise.

"Okay fine. Me and Houki had a kendo match. Happy?"

"Why would you do that? She's an expert and can beat anyone for the most part."

"Even you Nashi?"

"It's close." Then she crossed her arms. "Don't change the subject. What is going on with you today? Did you have a bad dream? Something mess with your head? I want answers Joey." Scolding you but really wanting to know if your well being was okay. She has been worried about you since you came to the I.S. Academy.

"I want to get stronger. I need to do it fast if I can help it. It's not going to just wait for me. I need to get close to your level and get my mechanics down in an I.S."

"You're killing yourself in the process."

"And how did you do it? Built your I.S., became the most powerful in the student body, and excel at basically everything you touch. You are a smart, driven, and beautiful girl. I got goals too. They are, just harder to get to."

"You haven't took more of those meds have you?" Scared to ask but had to.

"No. I would never."

"Okay. So what is it? The gym, kendo, and I'm guessing not enough sleep. What's going on? You're hiding something."

"Okay. Had a rough night. Don't remember why. But I told you I was going to get stronger. No matter what way I would do it. You know that."

Tatenashi was going to set you right. She smacked the purple bruise mark on your shoulder bringing you to a knee. Then hugging you into her chest. "I don't want you to hurt yourself. I hate seeing you injuried." She kissed the top of your head.


"I know you're frustrated. In pain because of what life throws at you. I know it's hard. But good things take time."

"Phantom Task won't wait up."

"Joey please. It's hurting me to see you like this."

"I love you and I need to keep up."

"I LOVE YOU AND DON'T WAMT YOU HURT!" She screamed. Tatenashi froze. The first moment she did not know how to act. You read a book, watch a romance, or take notes. Nothing could truly describe what it feels like to say those magic three words to each other like that. As she soon found out. Both admitting true feelings. Next step in the relationship, awakens.


As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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