Ch 3 - Living Quarters

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Tatenashi is being quite forward. It's kind of freaking you out. But living together with a smart and busty woman can be challenging.



It's been a few days. Everything unpacked and you got to kick it back for a bit. You showered and were just washing your face. After a hard day's work it was refreshing. All the crud off. Then began brushing your teeth as you take a look at the medicine. It's the hormone pills. Looks like I got to call ahead sometime this week. Oh well. You ok the bottle down and look in the mirror. Trying to get them white and clean. Once you spit you hear your name being called.

"Joey?" Called Tatenashi.

"Yeah Nashi?"

"Can you help me Honey?"

"Sure thing." You walk out of the bathroom after washing your mouth out. To the beds you see her laying on her stomach. She is wearing only a button down shirt. You freak and head back to the bathroom. "What the hell? Put some clothes on."

"Huh?" She sat up. "But I do."

"Pants! Something underneath." You cried.

"I have underwear one obviously." Though if you look you are a naughty boy. Not that I mind.

"Is that my dress shirt?" You peak out of the room.

"It's comfy. Can you massage me? My shoulders are stiff." She laid on her stomach. The smirk on her face meant something. But what? What on Earth did she mean?

"So you just have my shirt and panties on?" You hope she had a bra on. Not trying to get any ideas.

"Not panties but none the less." She sat up and the buttons were rather low. Her breasts bounce slightly.

Red in the face you look away. "Really?"

"Well," She winked at you. "Your turn after. I can massage you somewhere."

Okay this is too much. "You don't have to."

"Your back is sore. I can tell. My shoulders and come to Mama. That's final. Kay Joey? Thanks Love." She laid back down on her stomach. Bending her finger signaling you to come here.

"Just shoulders?"

"Little front and back by the neck. I need rough hands from a man."

Ichika has the genetics. Not me God dammit. Mine probably don't compare. "Sure."

"Something wrong Dear?" She looked over.

"I guess you could say I've never been this close to a woman." She didn't see your blush.

"Well I kinda need you to sit on my thighs for the best feeling."

"Oh come on!"

"What? Best angle. Right mounted on top."

"Nashi I think I got to be careful listening to those words. Actions are rather strong too." You knew it and so did she.

"I'm telling it how it is. Hurry up and I can do you. Before it gets too late."

"Yes Pres." No point in arguing. You climb up and place both hands on her shoulders squeezing just a little bit to apply pressure.

She lets out a soft groan. "A little harder."

"You asked for this." Rubbing your thumbs it's rubbing out the knots out and relaxing the very upper part of her chest. Soothing her. You try not to go too deep with it.

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