chapter 1

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Photo of Adam
Nobodies pov

That cafe at which Adam works at is very quite today. The only sound is occasional chatting or the sound of the coffee maker

But still even nobody can hear the noise when the shy guy of the town Theo walks in.

He goes to the counter and tells his order very quietly to the worker there who is Adam.

Adam who has been working there for a long time knows what he wants and has another worker make it when Theo pays for that and a double chocolate brownie

A Caramel Macchiato with everything, adding caramel and chocolate sryup over the whipecream.

Theo Fixes his pale pink back into his black beaning that rests at the back of his head while he waits for his drink

"For Theo"

He goes to Adam and takes it nodding towards him. Theo walks away going to his favorite spot in the whole cafe.

He sits by the window so he faces the streets and the sun hits the back of his head making him look like an angel because of the light halo that rests above his head.

He grabs his book before getting his pencil and setting up his area before he drinks his coffee in peace and writing in his book.

Adam who is working stares at the wondering why he is so quiet.

Adam and Theo are both juniors at the high school called bookland high

Adam is one of the typical popular guys, he's hot with girls swooning over him. But he isn't like the stereotypical popular people. He is really nice and hates bullying, being captain of the football team helps him defend kids from bullies

But Theo is very different. While Adam is loud Theo is quiet, Adam has friends and Theo's only friends are the books he reads.

Theo is very short compared to the also. Adam rests at a height of 6'1 and Theo is at the height of 5'8. He is also very skinny making him look like a girl because of his feminine features

However since Theo is so quiet Adam never sees the bullying he goes through everyday of his life.

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