chapter 23

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Theo pov

Currently I'm still on Alex's couch with a almost watered ice pack on my stomach.

Lily is sitting on the ground and Alex is on the chair while we're all watchin tv.

But a loud phone ring scared all of us

It turns out to be my phone and I grab it seeing Adam is calling me.

"Who is it?" Alex asks and I calm my heart and breathing before saying "Adam" then I take the call


"Hey have you picked up your sister yet?"

Shit I forgot about him.

"My sister got dropped off at home" I lied.

"Oh that's a shame I wanted to spend time with you."

I blush lightly and Lily looks at me with a raised eyebrow and alex is smirking at me

"Ya I'm sorry. I'm busy today."

"Its fine I'll see you on Monday." He says and I can practically hear the frown


"Bye Adam.

He hangs up and Lily asks "who was that?'


"Theo's boyfriend"

"Alexander!" I yell angrily at him going to sit up but fall back to the couch in pain

"Finally I can talk without you beating me!"

I glare at him and Lily looks at me and says "you have a boyfriend?"

I blush and say "kinda it's complicated."

"What's complicated you both like each other" Alex says bluntly and I glare at him once again shouting his name.

"Wait was he the guy that climbed up our latter in the middle of the night?" Lily asks and me and Alex both freeze

"What?"/" how do you know that?"

"I heard a yell."

"Wait what happened?" Alex asks and I sigh and tell him how he was worried about me and came to make sure I was ok

"So cute! I ship you guys!!"

Oh god this is gonna be long day

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