chapter 17

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Theo pov

Adam decided to stay so we're just sitting with me eating and watching spongebob

My phone vibrates and I put my chopsticks down and answer



I keep the phone away from my ear hearing my little sister yell at me


"I'm have no ride home and i don't want to walk alone tommorrow can you come get me?"

"Of course just text me the time when you want me there ok?"

"Ok! Goodnight love you!!"

I smile and say "goodnight love you too."

I hang up and Adam asks "who was that?"

"My little sister seeing if I can pick her up from her friends house."

"You have a car?"

"No,but it's not that long of a walk and I like walking."

"I'll drive you."

"No it's fine."

"No I let you walk home so im driving you and your sister home together, no arguments."

I pout and continue eating while Adam just continues to pet his rabbit spike

"You guys are so cute."

I look and see an old lady, my boss as a matter of fact

"Hi Mrs Goodland" I say and she smiles and says "hi Theo, who's this?"

" I'm his friend." Adam speaks up making me glare at him and Mrs Goodland laughs and says

"Yay another friend besides Alex, hoesntly I wonder when this was going to happen. Alex has to be mad for his spot being took"

"Hey!!" I hear Alex yell making all of us laugh

"Oh by the way Theo your shift is over." Mrs Goodland says making me nod and look at Alex saying "bye have fun working"

He just pouts and runs and hugs me and I pat his head

Me and Adam leave be cause he offered to drive me home

"You and alex?"

"Oh no he's my best friend, well only friend he's like a brother to me. He's like me also depressed but he hides his behind a smile."

Adam frowns at me but drives me home and I see my dad isn't back yet. Probably drinking again.

"Thanks for the ride" I say and go to get out but I'm pulled back in and my eyes widen when a hand reaches up to cup my face and lips on mine.

I kiss back hesitating in case I ruin it but Adam just pulls me closer.

We pull back and I'm blushing and he's smile before he pulls my head down and kisses my forehead saying

"Goodnight love."

I leave with a giant blush on my face.

What is this boy doing to me

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