chapter 22

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Theo pov

After father left I sat up hissing in pain when my stomach screamed in agony for me to stop.

I reach my left hand up to my face sincde my right i can barely move it. I touch the bottom of my nose and I move it so I can see it.


I look at my right hand and groan.

I don't have the stuff to fix myself. Alex does though.

I hear light footsteps and I see Lily hiding behind a corner, her shoulders shaking.

I frown and say "come here."

She runs to me and hugs me tightly but I groan and she pulls back worridly

"I'm ok, we're going to Alex's house. Ok?"

She nods and I stand up but my knees buckle and I feel down and land on my hand making me whimper

Lily helps me back up and has me lean on her. It isn't hard for her to hold me up since I'm very light, way to light.

Luckily Alex's house is right across from mine so we just have to cross the street and nobody will see me.

We walk across the street and when we get to his door Lily knocks because on leaning on her and my right hand hurts to badly.

Please don't let his mother open the door.

Thank God it was just Alex.

He sees me and gasps before grabbing me from Lily and hoisting me up so my front is against his back and he takes me inside

He sets me on the ouch and runs to get the first aid.

"What happened!" Alex yells running to my form that is lying on the ouch and he starts to dab my face with s wet tissue

"Same as usual." I say and Alex frowns

"Check his stomach" Lily says sitting by him and he pulls it up showing a couple giant bruises

"Go get some ice from the fridge please  lily."

She nods and goes and Alex says "what was it this time."

"Has angry at me for humiliating this morning by talking to the lady he slept with."

He frowns and she comes back and ice and he sets it on the wounds making me hiss and say

"My hand..."

He looks and sees my right hand that is usually pale but now it is red all over and my wrist is turning purple.

"From the looks of it, it's sprained."

I frown.

That was the only thing I cared about getting hurt.

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