chapter 8

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Theo pov

"Welcome home!"

I smile at the little 11 year old girl.

"Hello Lily how was school?" I ask walking to her and kissing her head.

Lily is my little sister she is 11 years old with long brown hair and hazel eyes.

"It was Good!" She starts to talk about her day at school making me smile and laugh. The only person I smile to and laugh if lucky is my little sister

"When is dad going to be home?" I ask going the fridge and when I said that I see a note on the fridge

Went to hang out with some buddies the house and food better be cleaned and fixed when I get home or it's your ass"

"Never mind" I say getting food seeing we barely have any making me sigh

I look at Lily who is doing her homework making me say

"Oi have you eaten yet?"

She looks at me and shakes her head getting back to her homework. Lily loves school a lot and she did have a her homework rather quickly.

"Well come on were going out to eat, any recommendations?"

"Pie!" She says excitedly making me smile and grab my wallet and phone saying "come on then let's go get Pie

She squeals and grabs her bag and comes to me and holds my hand. To me she is about shoulder length, still very short though.

We walk out of the house and she makes conversation and I do my best to reply.

We get to the town where all the food joints are, and we see the diner.

We go in and get a seat but before we can order I tell Lily

"You need actual food first then you can have Pie"

She pouts at me but nods and the waitress who is by the looks of it is a little older than me

"Hello what should you guys Like?"

We order and she writes or down with a smile before closing her notebook and saying "it'll be right out dearie's "

We nod before I turn to Lily who continues talking about her day.

She is my only friend and family. I don't ever want to see her sad, it kills me when she is

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