chapter 18

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Theo pov

I groan when waking up and seeing the light shine through my curtains.

Thank God it's Saturday.

I sit up and grab my phone seeing I got a text from Lily

Come pick me up around 12:30

I look at the time and it says 10:00. I have some time.

I get out of my bed and stretch with my shirt ridding up my stomach showing bruises that are healing.

I pull my sleeves down since I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt.

I get some socks on and I walk down stairs cringing at the smell

I get to the living room and see my dad passed out with liquor around him and a cheap whore on him also.

I grab a blanket and cover them be cause in seeing to many disgusting things

I go to kitchen and make breakfast because I'll get yelled at if I don't. I make some eggs and bacon and put it in the microwave before the girl walks in

"Who the hell are you?" She asks not bothering to cover her shame

"I'm his son." I merely say and start eating my part of the food before continuing

"Theirs some in the microwave for you."

She looks at me and grabs a short and pulls it over herself covering her self. She ruffles her blonde hair and goes to microwave and pulls out one of two plates saying

"Why are you so calm about this?"

"I'm used to it by now. Your not the first one he's brought here and you surely ain't gonna be the last. I'm just glad my sister isn't here to witness this. Now she'll get scared."

She sits next to me and starts eating saying

"I'm sorry if you had to hear that."

She's actually really nice for someone like her

"I got home before you guys and passed out after work."

"How old are you kid?"

"17" I say and she raises an eyebrow and says "what ya do."

"I'm a vet. I work at our local one as one of the surgeons."

"Don't you need to go to college for that?"

"All except 1 of my classes is in college level and last yes I took online college I'm still taking it but not as much."

"That's cool for a kid your age."

I nod and grab my plate and sees that's she done too

"May i?" I ask and she nods and I grab it and throw it away.

"You know your a really nice kid."

"Thanks and your not that bad yourself."

Coffee And Books The Best CombinationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora