chapter 6

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Theo pov

School is finally over

7 agonizing hours

When the bell rings to end school all the students pile out in a hurry to get out of this hell hole.

Once everyone has left or a lot of them I leave so I don't have to fight the crowd.

When I stepped through the door leading to the outside a big guest of air came making my hair flow in the wind.

I make sure to grab my hat and start walking to the cafe listening to music. Though when I listen to music with lyrics I tend to sing softly.

I sing quietly to all the parts of the song not once having to take a break to regain my breath.

When I finish singing I see in st the cafe.

I put my beanie back on the back of my head before I open the door and walk in hearing a little jingle from the bell.

"Theo! Over here!"

I tense up and look to where I sit seeing Adam there waving his arm in the air dragging attention to us.

My hand tightens on my wrist and I walk over to him quietly before I take a seat and say "will you please be quiet"

He pouts and I see their is coffee in front of me

"I remembered what you liked so I got you one."

I grab it and say "thanks" very quietly taking a drink from it hoping that the cup can cover my blush.

I place it back down gently and I lick my top lip, I always do that after taking a drink of coffee.

Adam watches me with curious eyes and I fight the urge to say curiosity killed the cat.

"Now so tell me what are your favorite hobbies?" Adam asks with a notepad.

I sit down with my legs crossed and my hands on my knee and I say "reading,writing and playing the piano"

"Why do you like playing the piano"

"My mother. Befire she died she put me in lessons and I loved it and don't want to stop."

Adam stares at me with an emotion I can't read but it feels eerie

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