chapter 20

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Theo pov

Me and Lily get home and I open the door and I see father lookking through the fridge for food.

He sees me and Lily and says "we're running out of food. Go get some."

I nod and say "any requests?"

"More liquor."

I nod and he puts 20 dollars on the table and I turn around yet again and leave with Lily coming with me.

I never leave her alone with him, anywhere I go she goes with me unless it's a school day then dad is working.

We walk all the way to our local supermarket and she grabs a basket but I hold it and we go through the isles

We get more food and of course liquor but I wasn't paying attention to where I was looking and I bump shoulders with someone


I know that highpitched screch anywhere.

My face drops into a scowl and I see Clary there glaring st me and yelling

"What where your going you freak!"

I just ignore her and look at Lily who is by my side holding my hand

"Ready to go?"

She nods and we start walking away

"Who do you think you are walking away from Me!"

I groan and look at the girl before covering lilys ears and saying

"Im theo the fag and your Clary the slut. Now if you excuse me me and my sister need to leave."

I take my hands off her ears and we walk away with Clary gasping at me and people in the town looking at us.

"Theo what's fag mean?"

I frown at Lily when she asks that and I say "it's a bad word. It's why father hates me at least."

Father hates me more that Lily because I look like mother.

Speaking of which.

I take her to the dye section and I look at the mirror and move my hair around seeing my black roots showing.

"It seems it's time for me to dye my hair. What color Lily white or mint?"


I just smile at her and grab the bottle and say "ok let's go."

It's gonna be fun dying my hair again

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