chapter 4

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Adam pov

Before I can get a chance to talk to Theo about the project he bolts out of the room.

I wanted to ask him where he wants to work on this.

Jake a guy I hate walks over to me and laughs saying "I hope you have fun with the fag. Don't let him touch you or you'll become gay too" He walks way with his friends laughing and the gears click in my head

The locker that got vandalized was Theo's!

I leave class thinking about him now realising that he does get bullied I just never noticed.

The bell rings and I try to hurry to class but theirs no point so I just walking till I hear music coming through a room

I look at Theo's locker when I pass it making me frown but I follow the music.

It takes me to the last door of the whole and I open it seeing books everywhere but a piano in the middle and Theo is playing it.

Theo slightly rocks but his fingers skip over the keys very gently. He seems so caught up in his music he doesn't realise he's being watched.

It's beautiful... I go to move but I got a stack of books making him hit the note he was playing fast and hard before he tunes around looking shocked and scared

He stands up and quickly closes the book on the piano and whisper yells

"What are you doing here! Didn't you see the sign that says "do not disturb!"

I just stand starring down at him while he continues to let out his anger. To be honest I didn't think he would ever get angry.

He stops but takes deep breaths before saying "why are you here?"

I shake my head trying to get the imagine out of my head when he played the piano.

"I heard music so I felt like coming to see what it was. That was beautiful by the way"

He looks down and I can see the top a of his ear turn red meaning he's flushed. I try not to cover my heart because of how cute he's acting.

Wait?! Why am I acting like this! I'm dating Clary not theo!

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