Meet - 4

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Emma POV

My body ached as I stirred and tried sitting up. I was laid down on a mattress in the musty basement. I shivered in terror as memories flooded me as I looked down to see they had changed my clothes. My throat was raw from screaming. I felt perched and nauseous. My limbs were bandaged up, and the thought of how they had laid eyes on my exposed body made my eyes water. Feeling violated and degraded, I weakly curled into myself, my body feeling weak and heavy. I couldn't hold my tears back as thoughts of how they may have taken advantage of me plagued me. 

I hate this, it's not fair! I hate this, it's not fair! I hate this, it's not fair! I hate this, it's not fair! I hate this, it's not fair! I hate this, it's not fair! 

Why am I always getting tormented?!  I didn't ask to be born! So why is the world punishing me?!  I used to get regularly beaten up by my parents and foster parents. I am falling behind in my classes because I'm forced to work and save up. When I turn 18, I will be kicked out and all alone, so I was trying so hard to create my own safety net. But all my efforts ended up amounting to nothing. Now my life is in the hands of some psycho killers who beat me up after humiliating me. Given the shitty hand I've been dealt, and I couldn't help but feel so... so angry. I feel angry because I'm feeling so helpless

I scream in anger, my throat straining, "You fucking assholes! You disgusting fucks! Let me out of here!" I was most definitely losing my mind. I felt as if I wasn't really inside my body. I felt like nothing was real, and if nothing was real, then I could do whatever I wanted. 

The basement door unlocked, and my teary eyes met with two pairs of eyes.

"Feeling energetic, sweetie?" The blond guy, the leader, smirked down at me. "Chris is quite good at putting people back together, I suppose you can thank him."  He gestured at the man standing beside him, who was looking at me in a clinical manner as if he were scanning my body for any new injuries. 

"How are you feeling?" Chris asked, doing a bad job of hiding a frown. Why the fuck is he frowning, I'm the one who's stuck here. 

"Like you care," I spat while glaring.

Chris sighed, and after the leader gave him a nod, Chris made his way toward me. I drew back on the mattress, my body still feeling limp. "D-Don't touch me!" 

"Relax, I didn't go through all the trouble of tending to your wounds only to hurt you." He spoke in a matter-of-fact kinda manner. His eyes showed slight concern, but he quickly concealed his emotions. Chris reached out his hand towards me, waiting for me to take it. "Don't make this hard, we're just taking you upstairs to get some food. I know you must be hungry." 

Reluctantly, I took hold of his hand, and when I struggled to get up, he helped me out. Leaning on him for support, I felt so helpless even to be needing this kind of assistance from such a psycho. 

I was led back to the dreaded sitting room from last time, only this time, I wasn't shoved to the ground. Instead, Chris helped me towards one of the leather couches and gently settled me down before sitting beside me. I gave him a sidelong look, a question in my eyes. He ignored it. The leader and the rest of the members poured into the room within a few minutes. 

Feeling anger still pulsing through me, I dared ask, "Why the fuck are they all here? You said you're gonna let me eat." 

"Seems like Josh's beating didn't teach her a lesson," chuckled a boy with short black hair. I noted Josh was not amused. 

"Hey,  hey, guys, don't make fun of her, after all, she handled it pretty well," Evan answered as he gave a condescending smile.  

I bought one of them, watching me curiously. His green eyes were intently fixed on me, which made me feel like hiding under the couch I was sitting on. It's not that he was looking menacingly at me, rather the opposite. It was the sympathy. It looks so genuine I could almost believe he has some conscience. Almost. 

"What do you want from me? I didn't call the cops the other night, so please just let me go!" My throat was so dry, it hurt to even speak. 

"Oh, we know you didn't call the police. But we still can't let you go," the leader answers while staring me down, still as arrogant as ever.

"Why?!" I raised my voice, my frustration making my eyes well up with unshed tears.

The leader stepped towards me and crouched in front of me, and I debated kneeing him in the chin. "Because of a couple of reasons," He reached his hand toward my face, making me flinch away. His hand softly brushed my straight brown hair away from my face. I shivered, not trusting him not to hurt me. "First-- you saw something you shouldn't have," he spoke in a low voice, as a traitorous tear escaped my eye. He used his thumb to gently rub away the tear sliding down my cheek.

 Don't touch me!  Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Don't touch-  

I slapped his hand away, and his mouth quirked up into a condescending smirk. His eyes seemed to be mocking me as he stood up and crossed his arms together.  

"secondly--  You could be of use for something."  He continued, unfazed by what I did. "You should be thankful, sweetie. Maybe your miserable life could have some purpose now." 

"W-What are you saying?" I stuttered, fear seeping into my words. 

"Y'know, put you to some work." He answered, looking around him as if he's bored. "What? You thought you can be a freeloader while staying here?"  

"I don't want to stay here! I won't do what you want!" I pulsing fury coursed through me. How dare he! 

"We have many ways of persuading you to cooperate," a man with black hair said in an annoyed tone. " But it's too early to worry about that."

"Alright, let's make some introductions to make life easier." The leader went on before I could respond to the guy with the black hair. From the way Evan's icy fake smile stretched on his face, I knew that the names they will share are all fake aliases. 

"My name is Evan. I'm the leader here." As I suspected, the blondie was the leader. 

"Im Alex" a tall man with light brown hair and green eyes, introduced himself. He eyed me intently before giving me a slight smile.  I frowned at him and turned my attention to the guy beside him. 

"Chris," said the blond guy who escorted me and was now sitting beside me. He was giving me a sidelong look, his fingers fiddling with something. Yet he eyed me with something close to pity. I bit my lip, he saw me without my clothes, I want to die

"Name's Mason; nice to meet you, princess," the buff black-haired dude from earlier winked at me. He's mocking me

When Josh didn't say anything, Mason spoke, "And I assume you remember Josh."  Josh only glared down at me, sending ice through my blood. I looked down at my lap, unable to hold his hostile gaze. 

"Now, after you were such a good girl and stayed quiet through our introduction," Evan smirked down at me, "Time for your meal." He turned to Alex and motioned him to get me. 

"Okay, let's go to the kitchen," Alex helped me up onto my feet, but I still stumbled a bit. My body felt so heavy, I just wanted to sleep. 

Alex led me to the kitchen, throwing me weird glances on the way there. "Stop looking at me like that." I hissed. He raised a brow in response. 

"You should chill out," He sighed. "You keep up this attitude, and one of them will eventually lose his temper." 

"Fuck off," was my only response. 


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Art by: Ko Byung Jun 

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