Cornered- 11

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Alex POV

I locked the door on my way out of her room, still full of unanswered questions. I don't know what to believe. Can someone look this tattered really have a job? 

I made my way down the hall to my room. I have work to do. Evan will want me to make sure everything will be ready for the next time we try to make a bust... 

My thoughts were cut short when I turned the corner, only to bump into Josh. For fuck's sake...

"Done with your new girlfriend?" Josh gave me a suggestive look. I rolled my eyes. "I suppose it is a dumb question," smirked. 

"Yeah, just like anything else that comes out of your mouth." I sidestepped him, navigating back to my room. 

"Listen to one piece of advice, lover boy, don't let her pitiful, pathetic little face cloud your judgment," Josh called out to me, sounding more earnest than not. 

I didn't bother answering him, partly because what he was saying wasn't completely wrong. I can't let my feelings fuck things up for everyone else. 

Emma POV

I was looking at my bandaged limbs, my bruised face, my frail and abused body. The mirror was not dirty enough to blur away just how awful I looked. My dull blue eyes looked deader than I last remembered. My cheeks hollow. My eyes sunken. Disgusting. I'm disgusting. Maybe I deserve to be treated like shit. I look like shit. 

I pinched my cheeks, trying to snap my thoughts away from that trail of toxic thoughts. I can't fall back into that mental state right now. I'm my only ally right now, I have no one but myself to look out for me. I'm not worthless. 

I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless.

And that's what I kept telling myself for hours. A chant that kept me from exploring the deeper pits of my mind. But I know it can't keep me going for too long. I need to do something to believe that I'm more than just this battered animal that is staring back at me in the mirror. 


I was almost asleep Later that night when I heard the door of "my" room click open. I jolted up, bringing the covers tighter around me for a false sense of safety. I fixate my eyes on the door as it slowly swings open. The light streaming in made me squint my eyes before I could make out who was standing there. 

"W-who's there?" My voice broke, the light too strong, making me unable to keep my eyes open. 

"Shhh, quiet." cooed a deep male voice. Not Alex. 

My heart was thrumming faster and faster as Evan and Josh stepped into the room and locked the door behind them. 

I scooted back against the wall, feeling cornered. 

"What do y-you  want?" My voice sounded weaker than I would have wanted it to be. 

They didn't answer, letting a long moment pass before Evan spoke. "Because you've been a bad girl," Evan said in a calm voice, but his hardened face indicated he was anything but happy.

"Huh?" I pushed myself onto my feet as I cowered in the corner farthest from them. 

"Josh, what do you think? Isn't she treating us like idiots?" Evan cocked his head, his piercing eyes never leaving me. 

"I sure hope not. She might think Alex is a fool, though." Josh smirked. 

"That's right. Maybe that's why she didn't think too far ahead before stealing." Evan said, his voice laced with something nasty. 

"I didn't steal any-" I started, but Josh interrupted me. 

"Oh, but you did!" 

"Maybe we should show her the footage of how she stole the knife from the kitchen? Maybe that will refresh her memory." Evan's mouth twisted into a diabolical smile. 

"Please, I didn't-" I started, but Josh backhanded me. 

I yelp, my eyes watering. I could already feel my cheek swelling. The pain radiates with every beat of my racing heart. 

"Bad girls get punished," Evan said to me.

And that's how all hell broke loose. 


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Art by: Ko Byung Jun 

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