Dirty- 13

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Emma POV

I am pretty sure they were gonna kill me. I just puked all over them, well, mainly on Josh. Heaving, both in exhaustion and pain, I dared looking up to meet their eyes. Both, while obviously displeased, seemed to be on different levels of anger. Evan looked pissed, but Josh looked like he was gonna kill me. Coughing weakly, I stared down at myself, feeling a small satisfaction in this karma that came their way. 

"You fuckin' little disgusting bitch," Josh seethed as he grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked my head back, making it hit the bathtub. With a weak whimper, I looked up at him from under my lashes, not daring to say anything. 

"Pathetic indeed," Evan said as he stood up and crossed his arms. His cold eyes stared me down. I feel nothing. I feel nothing. I feel nothing. I feel nothing. I feel nothing. I feel nothing. I feel-.

With a sharp slap, Josh pulled me back into the hell of the current reality I was stuck in. "Apologize for being a disgusting bitch." 

Wanting this to end, I decided to swallow my pride and weakly said. "I'm sorry."

Another slap to my face had my eyes watering as Josh repeated, "Apologize for being a disgusting bitch. I want to hear you say it."

Convincing myself that I'm nothing but a shell, that I am not inside my body and none of this was real, I said in an unemotional tone, "I'm sorry for being a disgusting bitch." 

Josh didn't seem pleased because I was met with another sharp slap to the face. I wasn't surprised. My apology lacked any and all sincerity as I stared into his eyes and uttered the words. 

Evan sighed as if this was such an inconvenience. "I think that's enough for now. You should be thankful we took the time to teach you a lesson." 

With a diabolical laugh, Josh stood up over me, and both he and Evan stared expectantly at me. With a rough nudge of his foot, Josh demanded, "Say thank you." 

I feel nothing. I feel nothing. I feel nothing. I feel nothing. I feel nothing. I feel nothing. I feel nothing. I swallowed, my throat and whole body aching and feeling as heavy as lead. "Thanks." 

With one last kick to my side, Josh followed Evan out of the bathroom, leaving me bruised and lying in a puddle of my own puke. 

I tried standing up, feeling like a broken piece of trash, and got into the bathtub. The water cooled my aching body, washing the filth off of me. The cold water biting into my skin was a good distraction from my awful emotional turmoil. 

"Fucking assholes," I muttered and started cleaning my body. Flinching whenever I touched a tender bruise, I kept scrubbing harder and harder. But no matter how hard I scrubbed, I still felt dirty. 

I stayed in the bathtub, my soiled clothes lying in a heap on the dirty floor. More than once, I considered drowning myself and just escaping from this miserable life. But I didn't want things to end this way. I had so much planned for my future. I wasn't ready to die. 

My body started shaking both in anger and from the cold, but I made no move to get out of the water. I had no energy to do anything but close my eyes. A different form of escape. 

I wasn't sure how much time had passed. I was going in and out of consciousness, when I heard the door to my room click open. The bathroom door was close. I had no clue as to who was coming, and so I braced myself. Barely able to move from pain, I curled up in the tub, the bubbles doing a good job of concealing my nudity. With a soft knock on the door, I breathed in relife. It's not Josh, he wouldn't have knocked on the door. 

"Emma, we are coming in." I heard Chris from outside the door. I made no attempt to respond, it would have required more effort and energy than I had. 

The door slowly opened, and Chris and Alex paused at the door. Their faces seemed to pale, as they took in the sight of me and the bathroom. 

"What the..." Alex said, slack-jawed. Chris just gave me a hard stare with a clenched jaw. I squirmed, not ready for another beating, and tightened my hold around my knees.  

"Sorry," I muttered, hoping that would remedy any anger they might harbor. But they didn't seem angry. At least not angry at me. 

"What happened here?" Chris asked quietly, his eyes scanning every part of my exposed body visible over the water's surface.

I shook my head. It would take too much energy to explain anything. Besides, I didn't trust anyone here to confide in. What if Evan and Josh got pissed that I said anything to these two? Then I would really be in trouble. 

"Emma, what happened here?" Chris asked again, staring at my puke on the floor. I felt shame trickling down my spine. This was too much. 

"Nothing, please leave," I whispered. 

Alex shook his head, his eyes stern, but none of his anger was directed at me. "Josh happened..." 

I didn't say anything, not wanting to confirm or refute his statement.  I just laid my head in the little gap where my knees pushed against my chest. This was too much. For some reason, their pity made me feel worse. 

I heard footsteps near me, making my whole body tense up. When a gentle hand touched me, I coiled away, "Don't!" 

Chris only stared into my frightened eyes as he calculated his next moves, "Emma, me and Alex are not here to hurt you." He spoke softly as if trying to approach a scared cowering animal. I bet I looked as feral as one too. 

Eyeing both for a few long moments, the bathroom quiet save for my shallow breathing, I finally nodded. Chris slowly approached me with his hand again, carefully watching for any signs of agitation. "What did they do?" he slowly touched the tender skin of my neck. 

I stared at the water of the bathtub and said, "T-They," I gulped, hesitant about telling them what had unfolded today. "Kept pushing me u-under," I choked out, and Alex and Chris understood what I meant very well. With a tender touch Chris, slowly pulled my hair to the side, examining the bruises covering my back and neck. 

"And what then?" Alex urged me to continue. I hated to admit it, but Chris's soft touch was soothing me, mostly my emotional turmoil. 

"I was pushed around, and puked." I quickly and quietly continued, unable to extract any more details without bursting into tears. But that's all Chris and Alex needed to understand, and something in my eyes must have told them that I couldn't spill another word without breaking down. 

Alex gave me a sad look before examining the floor again. "I'll get you a towel, and get this mess cleaned up while Chris takes care of you." 

I was taken aback for a moment, I didn't expect Alex to offer cleaning, and somehow I felt more grateful than I expected to feel. 

"Thank you" was all I managed to say as tears blurred my vision. I didn't know that this small display of kindness could undo me so quickly. 


Hello!!! Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate all the support and comments you guys give, they totally make my day  <3 If you enjoyed this chapter please don't forget to click on the vote/like button! :D

Art by: Ko Byung Jun 

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