Temper- 7

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Josh POV

"What?!" Did Evan just say what I think he did?!

"You heard me," Evan said as he slid on a black leather jacket. "Alex and you are not needed for this job, and the girl needs supervision." 

"Alex can babysit her by himself, why need me?" I urged, trying my best not to punch anything. Evan gave me a glare before nodding toward where Alex was standing, staring at the girl from afar. You gotta be fuckin kidding me!  "He's not stupid enough t-" 

"He's not. But Chris had a point." Evan grabbed his gun and started checking if it was loaded. I gave him a questioning look when he looked back up at me. Evan sighed, annoyed that I didn't catch on. "She has nothing to do with any of this shit. I know some of the guys might be tempted to let her go. I can only trust you to stop letting anyone's little feelings from getting us in deep shit." 

I eyed him for a moment and nodded. "I understand," I said as a smirk formed on my face. Only trust me, huh? Now that's interesting. "I'll make sure nothing happens." 

Evan didn't bother to answer me, he just switched the safety on his gun before tucking it in the holster beneath his jacket. He made his way towards the door, the rest of the guys following him on cue, and they were gone. 

I hear a noise from the kitchen; looking behind my shoulder, I see the girl sobbing in her chair. She was still tied up, her plate was still filled with food, and her water cup was still half full. Chris said she needs to eat. Looking at how starved she looked, my brother had a point. I'd probably lose my mind if I got starved half to death. I look over at Alex, still lingering at the kitchen entrance watching her. Fuckin' idiot and his stupid emotional ass. 

I walked past him towards the girl, and when she eyed me, she started sobbing harder. I was surprised she still had tears given how dehydrated she was. I pulled the chair beside her and sat down. Alex made his way over and sat on the chair on her other side. 

"Um, you," Alex started. He seemed to have no fuckin clue what to say to this girl. "You, um, want to drink some more water?" He held up the glass of water towards her lips. The girl took a few moments to swallow her tears before gulping down the water. 

"Easy, don't want you choking on us," I muttered to her. She seemed to go still for a moment, too scared to drink. I sighed, annoyed. "My brother ain't here in case you choke on water. So fuckin annoying." 

The girl watched me for a moment, her eyes red and swollen from crying. Fear laced every fiber of her body. I chuckled, enjoying her fear. "It's so hot seeing you all scared and sorry-lookin'.  No wonder your foster parents treated you like shit. This look suits you."  The flash of hurt in her eyes only made me more aroused. 

She clenched her jaw, not saying anything, and looked down at her plate of food. "What?" I scooted closer to her and cocked my head as I eyed her glossy eyes. "Did that hurt your little feelings?" 

"Enough, Josh," Alex muttered, sounding disgusted. "Not cool, man." I laughed at that. 

"That's all you gotta say?" I mocked him. "Look, this little whore deserves everything coming her way. Because of her,  shit got more complicated for us. Soon someone will notice she's missing." I pulled my chair back and stood up. I leaned across the table and grabbed Alex's shirt. "Don't start going soft on us. If you fuck anything up, I will put a bullet up your ass." 

"Calm your tits, Josh. I'm just saying, you don't have to constantly remind everyone that you're a fuckin' dick. We all know already what you are." Alex slapped my hand away from him. 

I gritted my teeth, he was getting on my nerves, and I knew exactly how to push his little buttons. At a moment's notice, I had a hand around the girl's neck. She let out a choked yelp as I squeezed her little throat. Alex shot up from his chair and swung at me, but I caught his fist before he could land the punch. The girl made more choking sounds, music to my ears, as I squeezed harder. 

Alex leaped up on the table, surprising me, and tried kneeing me in the chin. I jumped back just in time, releasing the girl in the process. I guess he's not a complete moron.  

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Alex exclaimed, hopping off the table. He stood between me and the girl, who was now coughing and crying all at once. "I bet Evan would love to hear about this."

I flipped him off and walked out of the kitchen. Meanwhile, Alex started his fussing over the fuckin' little girl. Fuckin' idiot... 


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Art by: Ko Byung Jun 

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