Not Here - 24

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Josh POV

Emma was nowhere to be found, and Evan was pissed. More than pissed, furious. I personally searched every room and place in the house, even though it was clear she ran away. Chris's door and the front door were unlocked. No one said it out loud because we all knew she had run away.

"Everyone, get in here," Evan called us into the living room, his back facing us. By the tension of his body, I knew one of the dudes was gonna get it. Probably Alex, he's the softest one of us. Mason and Chris are too smart to do something as stupid as leaving the doors unlocked.

"Chris," Evan turned to face us, his eyes dark with rage. "Your room was unlocked.

My heart dropped. I didn't even think about that little piece of information. I snapped my eyes towards Chris. He stood, stoic. Anyone would think he was collected and relaxed, but I knew my brother too well to miss the little signs.

His fingers twitched and his shoulders tensed up for just a short moment. I might not be the smartest guy, but I knew my damn brother too well.

"You know what happens to traitors," Evan said, his voice low and rough. "Can you explain what the hell happened here?"

Chris took a deep breath, and shook his head— The picture of an innocent man who had made a mistake. But I knew he was responsible here, and I knew Evan wasn't gonna easily accept any excuse.

"I must have not noticed my bedroom wasn't locked, given we were rushing" Chris replied coolly. He was lying. He was never one to miss any details nor was he the type to make careless mistakes.

"Chris, I would have believed this sorry excuse, were it not for the fact that the front door was also unlocked." Evan strode towards my brother obviously with the intention of beating the hell out of him.

"I forgot to lock the door." I blurted out. The words left my mouth without me thinking.

"What?" Evan turned his murderous gaze towards me. "You forgot to lock the door?"

"Yeah, I didn't say anything earlier because it was an honest mistake." I lied. Whether to not Evan believed me was beyond me. But regardless, he knew that I have Chris's back.

Evan shifted towards me and punched me in the face. It hurt like hell, but I endured worse.

"Hey stop!" Chris tried to interject, but I threw him a look that told him to shut up. For once in my life, I felt like I was saving his ass, rather than the other way around.

Evan grabbed a goddam baseball bat and went downtown on me. He beat me up good, meanwhile the other guys stood there silently. I noticed Mason gripping Chris's shoulder keeping him in place.

Finally Evan threw the baseball bat to the side, crashing and shattering the flat screen TV. Evan stood, towering over me as he heaved.

I didn't make a sound because we all knew that there was nothing to calm him down right now.

"You're a damn idiot," Evan gritted through his teeth. "If she manages to fuck us over, you're the first one to go."

I nodded, holding in my breath until he stormed out of the living room. When he finally slammed the door shut behind him, I stood up. I groaned in pain but managed to keep most of my fear out of my face.

"Josh," Chris stepped towards me, fear clear on his face. That was a rare sight. "Let me take a look at-"

"Shut it, okay?" I grinned at him, "What's with that look, bro? Don't shit yourself." Chris's sad gaze didn't change.

"Thanks, Josh." He whispered. I pretended not to hear him, because I didn't like this whole emotional shit.

Alex looked at the both of us, the little shit. "What you fuck'in lookin' at?" I hissed at him. He shifted his gaze away.

"We can all go to prison, huh..." Alex whispered absent-mindedly.

"Yes, and unless we find the girl, not only our lives will be over, but also your sister's." Alex's face fell as my words hit him.

"We have to find her..." Alex said, his facial expression was that of a man on death row.

"Exactly, so get your heads out of your asses, and get the keys. She can't be too far." I staggered out of the living room and made my way to our driveway. The hunt begins.


Thank you for reading!! Please don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter! <3 

I also want to thank you all for the comments! There are incredible inputs and suggestions! Even if I don't reply to the comments and suggestions, I absolutely appreciate and keep them in mind as I write <3 

Art by: Ko Byung Jun 

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