Anger - 6

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Emma POV

I was clenching my fists to keep them from shaking. I should really start thinking before speaking! But seriously, is it not obvious that I cut my own wrists?! They're not stupid. No, they know I did it! I bit my lip, trying to keep from screaming at them, as I felt my pulse rise. I feel so exposed for having them see my biggest insecurity. I feel violated in a way only people who cut would understand. They just want to degrade me! 

Shit got worse when Josh and the rest of the guys walked into the kitchen. They paused, sensing the tension in the room. One look at Evan must have been enough for them to get the gist; that I am the target of anger here. Surprise, surprise.

I glared at Evan. He was not amused by my outburst. What's worse, the other guys, seemed to wear strained expressions. I was digging my own grave. 

"You know, sweetheart," he slowly started walking behind my chair. "You don't seem to understand your place here." Evan started stroking my hair. Chills ran down my spine. Stay away! Stay away! Stay away! Stay away! Stay away! Stay aw-

"To be perfectly honest, I don't care how you got those cuts and scars," he continued. With each stroke of my hair, I felt my heartbeat rising. Trembling, I turned my head around, my neck stiff. I looked up at him only to find his eyes already trained on me. With a cold look in his eyes, the corners of his mouth curled up. 

"The problem here. You don't seem to get it through your pretty head, that you're in no position of power." Evan stared me down. "You're being awfully disrespectful for someone whose life is in others' hands." He sighed, annoyed. "Maybe, we should clear things up a bit more," He looked up towards Josh, and realization dawned on me. 

"I-I'm sorry. Please-" I started pleading with him, but he cut me off. 

"I'm afraid this is gonna be necessary. It's for your own good since you seem a bit slow," Evan yanked my hair back, making me groan in pain. I felt tears forming and shut my eyes to keep them from falling. 

"Josh, I think she needs to spend more quality time with you." Evan continued, his hands sliding down from my hair and settling on my shoulders. 

I snapped my gaze over to Josh, he gave me a cold look. In contrast, to my surprise,  the rest of the guys looked uneasy. Just how much are they scared of Evan?  

"Please, no," I pleaded, tears running down my cheeks. Josh took a step towards me. I flinched, struggling to unbind my hands to no avail. Please, no. Please, no. Please, no. Please, no. Please, no. Pleas-

"Evan," Chris stepped between me and Josh, placing a hand on Josh's shoulder. Without looking at Evan, he said, "She's dehydrated. She didn't eat for 4 days. She was beaten to a pulp yesterday." 

"Are you ever gonna get to your point?" Evan sounded irritated, his grip on my shoulders tightening. 

"She's not in a good mental state. She probably wouldn't be acting like this if she hadn't been in her current condition." Chris spoke quickly, and if I didn't know better, I would think he was a good-guy kidnapper. 

"Listen, bro," Josh pushed Chris back a bit as he tried to get past him. "I think she just needs some sense beaten into her." 

Chris, clenched his jaw, still standing his ground. "She's weak. You trying to kill her?" Chris looked again at Evan, and with barely concealed anger, he said, "I did not sign up for this kind of shit. She isn't involved with them. This is not right."

The room went silent for a long moment. I couldn't see Evan's face, but his grip on me loosened. Evan's hands slid off my shoulders, lingering a bit as he stepped next to me and into my peripheral vision. His face was emotionless, his eyes as cold as ice. Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me. Please don't h-

"Fine," Evan said, as he reached a hand towards my face. I flinched as I felt him brush a tear away. It took me a second before what he said registered in my mind. My body hummed with relief, as I opened my eyes to look at him again. "But, if what you're saying doesn't turn out to be true, and she still acts out later, then there will be harsh consequences." I shuddered when he gave me a ghost of a smile. 

Mason's phone rang, catching everyone's attention. A phone, I need to get my hands on a phone. Mason walked out of the kitchen and into a room. I couldn't hear anything from his conversation. Yet, from what the guys' expressions entailed, there was something more pressing they needed to deal with than me.

Soon thereafter, Mason walked out and simply said, "Entail affirms our original assumption; they're en route. We have to leave now if we want to catch them." 

"Alex, stay here. The rest of you get things ready," Evan commanded, already walking away. But just as he was about to leave the kitchen, he turned around. "Josh, you're staying here with these two." 


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Art by: Ko Byung Jun 

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