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Chris POV

I think Emma has a death wish. She doesn't seem to have any control over her impulses, to keep from lashing out. I have no idea what she's been through, but it's clear it left her unstable. I was watching Mason try to teach her to table manners. I told Mason to be patient with her. She has no idea what Evan is grooming her for, but if she wants to survive, she needs to learn. Fast. 

She is by no means ugly, but nor is she beautiful. So charm would have to make up for her shortcomings.  She knows it already, but we need her to get with the program for her to keep on moving at the pace of Evan's plans. She is still young, a high schooler. A teenager. So I don't blame her for her stubborn and volatile behavior. Especially given the situation she's afflicted with. And I worry she would be another girl I'd have to bury due to my brother's violence. I don't think I can cover his ass if he does anything like that again. 

Emma POV

Mason is a pretentious fuck, and someone needs to let him know it. He keeps pushing my buttons, and I think I will claw at his pretty little face if he makes fun of how I look again. I've never been subjected to so much humiliation as I did in this shit hole. 

"Earth to Emma," Mason snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Maybe we should get some food in you while we're working on your graceful table mannerism." 

"I hope you choke," was my sole response. Mason chuckled and shook his head in amusement. "You think you're so witty and charming, don't you?" I seethed. "You're not. You're repulsive." 

Mason's facial expression turned more somber. He tilted his head at me as he carefully assessed me, making me squirm in my seat. I felt my heartbeat staccato, and I bit my tongue in self-hate. Because I'm an idiot, and he's probably gonna kill me now.

"Look, I get it. You don't deserve any of this, and I don't think you should be here either. Hell, if it were to me, I'd drop you at some bus stop, and leave you without a second thought." He sighed, looking at me with newfound pity. "But if I did that, I'd get two bullets in my head, and so will you." 

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I dropped my face into my hands and shook as sobs overtook me. It hurts. It hurts so much. I was so close to graduating and being on my own. To take control of my own life. But here I was. Caged with no one looking for me. What makes it all worse, is these people who feign sympathy and remorse, keep giving me these crumbs of hope only to take them away from me. 

"Hey, c'mon, kid," Mason said softly as he patted my back. I slapped his hand away from me. 

I looked up at him. His deep brown eyes scanned me with concern. It only made me angrier. "Don't touch me. And stop trying to manipulate me." Mason's eyes shifted away from mine as he sighed and turned his back to me. 

"Well, let's get you some food." He said quietly, as he walked towards the fridge. "Eat, and then we'll call it a day."

I didn't answer. In fact, I ate my food quietly and tried my best to apply the dumb table manners he talked about. He didn't say anything either, but he did watch me carefully. I think he knew I was trying, and he seemed pleased with me. 

Chris POV

"What do you mean, Mason?"

Mason gave me an exasperated sigh and nudged his chin toward my room, where Emma slept.

"I'm saying that she is beaten black and blue, scarred up and emaciated." He said. "Do you think she can even live up to Evan's plan for her?" 

"I think it will depend on us and her," I said, looking past Mason, towards Josh, who was now headed our way. "She's gonna heal and gain some weight. But we must work together with her to keep her stable enough to cooperate as smoothly as possible."

"Yeah, about that," Mason ran a hand through his hair. "She's constantly agitated. Evan will not wait long for her; he expects her to obey ASAP."

"I can beat some sense into her if you two can't handle one little girl's tantrums." Josh intercepted.  

I gave my brother a dark look. "You almost killed her." 

"And she should kiss my feet with gratitude for not killing her." Josh chuckled. 

"Do that, and I'll beat your ass up and down this house," Mason responded, his jaw clenched. 

"Is that a threat?" Josh tilted his head. 

"You know very well that I don't make threats, asshole." Mason's eyes hardened. "It's a promise " 


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Art by: Ko Byung Jun 

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