Hair - 38

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Emma POV

I'm starting to think that I hallucinated my dialogue with Chris. It's been a week since he promised to get me out of this hellhole, but hasn't mentioned it since. Am I finally losing what little sanity I had left? Did he say those things just to get me to calm down? Am I being tricked? 

No... Chris wouldn't play a dirty trick on me. From what I've grown to know about him, I doubt he would play a mind game with me.... Right?... 

I was sitting in the living room watching some trash TV while Mason and Chris worked on their laptops on the couch near me. It's been so long since I watched TV. Luckily Mason got Evan to give the OK for me to watch TV, so long it 'doesn't make her have a mental breakdown.'  I suppose I do tend to lose my shit easily... 

I was lost in thought, barely paying attention to the TLC show, when Alex walked into the room. He turned to me and gave me a soft smile. I knitted my brows in confusion as he approached me with that boyish smile of his. 

"Say Emma, do you want me to fix up your haircut?" I eyed Alex for any sign of mischief. I found none.

"Must be nice to have free time," Mason said, sounding jealous. 

"Not my fault you work slow," Alex grinned at him. Mason flipped him off and went back to typing on his laptop. "So! Emma, what do you say?"

"Why would you want to 'fix' my hair?" I asked, feeling suspicious of him. 

"For starters, I'm bored. But also, I think it would be nice to make your hair all pretty again." Alex beamed, probably happy I didn't completely ignore him like I had awhile back. "I have a sister, and she often asked me to fix up her hair before dates. She practically put me in a bootcamp for hair fixing." 

I looked as Alex's eyes glinted with a warm emotion as he reminisced about the time with his sister. I couldn't relate. I never had a sibling, I was always alone as a child. And I was never close to any of my foster siblings. Watching Alex share his memories with his sister... I felt like an intruder. I felt like I was invading his personal space. 

Alex must have seen me withdraw because he stopped talking about his childhood memories with his sister. His once relaxed face became confused. Alex cautiously sat beside me and turned to me with the most inviting smile I've seen him muster. 

"So what do you say?" He asked.

"What?" I asked, my mind still lingering about the contrast between our families.... more like the absence of mine. 

"Your hair," Alex gave me a tight smile, he failed to hid the concern in that washed over his face. 

"You won't make me look ridiculous?" I gave him a hard look.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Alex chuckled. 

"You won't cut me or stab me with the scissors?" I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"What? No! I would never do that!" Alex's sincerity was palpable. 

"Such a shame," I sighed, making everyone in the room pause and look at me with sad worried looks. 

"Fine, fix my hair," I smiled at him, making all of them visibly ease up. 

"Emma, if you even dare pull a stunt with the scissors, I swear to god I'mma whip Alex's ass!"  Mason gave me a serious look, and I couldn't help but crack a small smile. Mason, as abrasive as he is, wasn't the worst kidnapper one could hope for. I almost laugh at my new standard of human decency. 

Chris glared at Alex, like a mother-hen who's worried for it's baby chick. As if I'm not capable of taking accountability for my actions, if I were to really get a hold of Alex's scissors. I guess with the way I've been behaving I can't blame him... 

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