Hungey - 5

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Evan POV

Alex was tying Emma's hands behind her back when I walked into the kitchen. She looked angry. No, she looked furious. It made me chuckle, seeing her face turn red and her eyes glaring at anyone who looked her way. I commanded a few of the guys to start tracking down the fuckers we've been trying to catch. We recently had a lead as to where they might show up within this week. I figured I'd use this bit of extra time to ask the girl some questions. I need to figure out how much of a problem she's gonna be in the long run. I doubt anyone is looking for her. She looks pathetic. At first glance, she looks homeless, starved, and miserable. So it's hard to imagine her having any family that gives two shits about her. 

Tying her hands behind her back was more so she didn't fall from the chair than to keep her from retaliating. Chris and Alex were in the kitchen with us. Alex was just here for the food, and Chris was here to help assess the situation with Emma. Alex placed a glass of water and a plate with macaroni and cheese in front of her. 

"How am I supposed to eat with my hands tied up?" she gave me a seething look, only amusing me more.  

"Don't worry, princess, I'll feed you" I smiled at her, making her frown.

"I'm not gonna escape, so just untie me. I can eat without your help," she insisted with pleading eyes. Oh, how cute she looked when she's embarrassed. 

"Shhh, it's okay.  Think of this as bonding time." 
Emma POV

Just fuckin' great! He just wants to keep humiliating me!  He picked up the glass of water and held it to my mouth. I quickly started drinking, realizing just how thirsty I really was. But before I quench my thirst, he placed the glass on the wooden table. 

"W-Wait!" I demanded, making him chuckle.

 Evan shook his head and said, "Sorry, sweetie, not yet." he pulled the chair beside me and sat down. "Okay, here is the deal. For each question you answer, I will give you food or water."  Annoyed and famished, I nodded my head. "Great," he smirked at me. I noticed Chris and Alex also sitting down at the table with us. It felt overwhelming to be surrounded by these psychos. 

"Are you homeless?" he asked.
"No," I hissed, "I am not homeless." He raised a brow and gave me a bite of food. I practically inhaled it.  

"Ah, so you do eat," Alex commented, drinking coffee while eyeing me with a strange look. "I thought you were one of those girls who starve themselves."

I felt my face heat up. I used to be very controlling of my food, but I am so skinny because I barely get much to eat, let alone time to eat. I'm worked to the bone and get such small portions at 'family' meals.  I just throw Alex a distasteful look and roll my eyes, refusing to even acknowledge his presence. 

"Well, that's rude," Evan sat back in his seat, eyeing me as if I were some insolent child. "I'm starting to get less and less amused with your attitude, Emma." His voice was laced with a warning. "Anyway, who do you live with, and how many are there?"

"I don't see why this is any of your business," I dared say. 

Evan's eyes darkened, his easygoing body language became more tense and hostile. "You're testing my patience, little girl. One more snarky response and I won't be so nice." 

"I'm an only child, and my parents are dead. I currently live with a foster family, two 'parents' and their single biological daughter." I finally complied while looking down. Evan held up the fork for me to eat the bite of mac n cheese I had earned. I'm not some dog you can fuckin' train!  Yet here I was, acting like one. 

"How close are you to them?" He continued, taking a bite of the food that was supposed to be mine

"N-Not close at all." I looked away, my heart hurting. They probably won't even report me missing...

"I expected as much," Evan held up the glass of water for me to drink. I turned my head away, suddenly feeling sick. He held up the fork instead, but I still didn't move.

"You need to eat. You haven't eaten in four days," Chris stated firmly. I pursed my lips before finally complying and eating the bite of mac n cheese. 

"Alright, next question, why do you have those cuts on your arms?" Alex asked while pointing at my bound arms. 

My heart sank. I knew they must have seen the cuts and damage I had caused to my body. Yet, having my deepest secret and my biggest insecurity voiced out loud made my skin crawl. I feel so fuckin' violated and exposed. They saw the extent of the self-loathing that I harbor. I feel so ashamed, and I don't know exactly why.  My shame transformed into anger. How dare they violate my body with their eyes! How dare they do any of this shit to me!

I looked up to meet his gaze and clearly stated what was on my mind, "None of your fuckin business, you sick fucks."

Apparently, not a great idea.


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Art by: Ko Byung Jun 

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