Hunted - 25

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First and foremost I want to profusely apologize for my very long absence. I think you guys deserve some small explanation, since it is not okay for me to just leave you hanging. I recently moved to a new continent and the transition took a toll on me and my family. I broke my promise to update the other day, and it won't happen again. I am finally emotionally prepared and have the mental energy to invest in writing. Again, I am really sorry and I hope you can forgive me; what I did was an asshole move and I don't intend to repeat it. 


Emma POV 

I settled for a brisk pace, I didn't have enough stamina to keep running. I was worried that I might be leaving a track behind me, but it did me no good. Stay positive, stay focused on getting back to safety and away from the psychos! 

Yet it wasn't long before I got exhausted. I decided to take a short break, squatting behind some bushes as I ate a couple of granola bars. I hid the wrappers in my pocket, not wanting to leave any signs I was there.  

I sipped some water and continued hauling ass, keeping close to the bushes and trees, avoiding any clearings. 

Alex POV

She wasn't making it easy but we managed to find some tracks. A faded small footprints and crushed undergrowth every once in a while. We followed the tracks, she had become increasingly sloppy, leaving more signs behind her. 

A few hours later, we spotted movement. I glanced at Chrise, he ruefully looked ahead. He made no eye-contact. We stood low and silent as we strained to confirm what exactly was moving. We didn't want to make a move without more certainty. 

A few moments later, we saw her. She staggered, looking exhausted. I felt both relief and dread. On the one hand, we were fucking up with this girl's life. However on the other hand, if I disobey, they would go after my older sister. My sister comes first. Despite being blackmailed, Evan still saved me--  and by effect, my sister--  from deep trouble. Yeah, keep trying to justify what you're about to do, Alex. At the end of the day you're still an awful man. 

Before I knew it, Josh spritted towards Emma. A predator hunting his prey. 

Emma POV

I was caught up by surprise, I froze like the cowardly idiot that I was. Yet, even if  I tried, I wouldn't be able to outrun him. Josh knocked the air out of me as he tackled me down. With a choked scream I thrashed underneath him, but it was no use. In my periphery, I noticed Chris and Alex jogging towards me. I gave the two of them a pleading look, and cried out for their help. To make Josh get off of me. But they refused to look me in the eyes. 

"Help! Let me go! Please get off of me asshole!" I yelled. "You fucking assholes! Don't touch me!" 

"Emma, please, just stop struggling." Alex gave me a sad look. 

"Alex, please! Please help me!" I whimpered.  

Josh sneered " No use wasting your energy, Alex wants you caught more than anyone."

To my horror, Alex looked away, confirming Josh's words. 

"Chris! Please!" I cried with increasing desperation. I couldn't stop the tears from flooding out. "I won't say anything! I just want to go home! Please! Chris, help!" 

"I'm sorry Emma, I can't."

A stabbing hurt pierced my heart. It didn't make any sense to me, that feeling of betrayal that washed over me was unfounded. My escape, afterall, went against their best interest. I felt so stupid. What's wrong with you! You should be feeling anger, not betrayal. I mentally crumpled this feeling, and buried it deep down inside of me, in an imaginary box. A box that I never intend to open-- because if I did, the hurt I've buried there all my life would rip me apart. 

Snapping back to the reality I always seem to be stuck in, I gave up the struggle and settle on giving them a seething look. 

"Finally calmed down, Sweetheart?" Josh grinned down at me. I bit down on my lower lip, my nostrils flaring, crying was too humiliating. I felt like a cornered animal.

Alex crouched beside me, helped Josh turn me so I was face down in the dirt. Like a worthless piece of trash. That is what you have been treated all your life... But you survived. Suck up those tears. Don't give them the satisfaction!

Josh cuffed me -- the metal biting down on my wrists as he squeezed them tightly-- all while Alex kept me pinned in place.  

"You're all trash." I said, my voice surprisingly stronger than before. I spat on Alex's shoe. Josh's treatment was not outlandish, at least he showed his true colors from day one. 

Alex didn't admonish my behaviors, simple placed his hand on back and gently maneuvered to the direction of the mansion. My prison. 

On the other hand, Josh backhanded me. Were it not for Alex, I would have lost my footing. 

"I suggest you to shut the fuck up, you're nothing but a bitch." Josh sneered at me. 

"You talk as if you're any better." I retorted audaciously. "Looks like Evan beat you up, because you're  his own pathetic little bitch." 

Josh was ready to kill me, and he probably would've were it not for Chris's intervention. 

"Stop!" He ordered, "Let's head back. It's getting dark." 

It was late by the time we arrived to the mansion. I dreaded seeing Evan. I would probably get beaten into a coma. 

"We brought you a little present," Josh said as he yanked my sore arms and pushed me down on the wooden floor. I saw polished black combat boots come into view. I looked up to see Evan was wearing a strange expression. He didn't seem quite pleased, yet he didn't seem outraged either. "We found her in the woods."

"Hello, Emma." Evan said softly and proceeded to press his boot on my head, pinning me face down on the floor. "I'm not sure what I'm gonna be doing with you." 

I braced myself, fearing the possibility of his bashing my head to death. Instead he stepped away from me and crouched in front of me.  His arms resting loosely on his kneecaps. I was met with his cold stare. His blue irises studied me tentatively. I couldn't maintain eye-contact for long. 

"Part of me says you're too much trouble. Too unruly." Evan brushed aside my matted hair. "Another part of me is impressed. Actually, I'm not even mad." He chuckled."

I looked up at him, feeling unsettled. I didn't know how to interpret what he's saying. "What?" I whispered in confusion. 

"I'm saying that you have potential to be of use to me," He smirked. "If I could tame you, that is."

I looked at him in confusion and chuckled, "Not happening." 

"We'll see." Evan responded cooly. "But first thing first, it's time for your punishment." 


Thank you for reading! Again, I apologize for being a shit, I'm not going to disappoint y'all again!! If you enjoyed this chapter please don't forget to click on the vote/like button!

Art by: Ko Byung Jun 

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